Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - TD QUESTION: CAN WE GET RID OF IT YET???

41. 11 Mar 2009 13:31


I find I comment much more than I vote. If I enjoy a picture enough to vote for it I almost always comment.

I would actually prefer an add totals method of voting, I think more people would vote that way because no matter what vote they gave it adds to the total and helps that picture get a higher standing. I'm just not sure how difficult it would be to implement, I thought the vote/no vote method might be easier to put into action.

42. 11 Mar 2009 19:41


Well - I've stayed out of this issue for a while now. Until today anyways.

I did this piece last night. It's one of my very best. I got 21 fives in less than 24 hours. I just logged in and I now have 22 votes - the last was a ONE!

Does anyone on this site with the guts to say so think this is worth a ONE???

Ron - Angry Again!

43. 11 Mar 2009 19:53


I am saying this from my own perspective, as someone who can't do this stuff as well as those who are more passionate about the vote system, and as a preschool teacher.... I will probably win NO support, but i just have to say this...

I have said it before, and I shall say it again... scrap any form of voting system at all. dont have a top 5. draw cos u want to draw. As a preschool teacher we come up with reward systems to try and encourage children to do things... sticker on the chart every time they don't wet themselves, stamp in a book everytime they pack away. I see the voting system here as a reward system, and people are having tantrums because they are not getting what they thing they deserve, just like children do when they think they deserve a sticker.

Why can't we just draw for the sake of drawing?

Why can'd we all just be happy knowing we did our best and we are happy with what we did?

why can't the odd comment from sumone agreeing with the fact they think we did a good job be enough?

If you notice, the only people who feel hard done by with this system are the ones who are capable of getting in the top 5. For the rest of us we are sitting here, without a hope in hell, and watching you all lie on the floor, kicking ur legs and beating ur fists, cos sumone didn't give u a sticker.

If it was never here, and had never existed, and all u had the opportunity to do was draw, submit, and comment, would you all have still gone "cool, i like this format, its different, its unique, what a cool website, i might stick around"?? I know i didn't stay cos i could get my work voted on. I stayed cos i like exploring the medium and giving it a go.

Now... everyone is gonna hate me cos of this, but, you know what, i dont care... i just had to say it cos i am sick of treading softly to not upset the few people who are having the whinge... anyway... i have said my piece *steps down of soap box*

44. 11 Mar 2009 19:54


...What is the possiblity that people are misinterpeting the 1-5 vote system? What if a newby thinks that a 1 vote is equal to #1 or 1st place...

...There are no instructions telling us otherwise...

45. 11 Mar 2009 20:21


I want all the stickers

46. 11 Mar 2009 22:10


I am not a child in search of a sticker. I am not lying on the floor. I am not kicking my legs or beating my fists.

I don't actually care if someone doesn't like one of my pictures or if I get in the Top 5 or not.

But 21 straight votes of five followed by a one vote is MALICIOUS! It is vandalism. Please don't call me a child again!

I love it when people say things like "people are gonna hate me because of this..." and then follow it with "but". Then say they don't care. That's an inaccurate statement. It's false. Period.

If you didn't care you wouldn't be reading and posting. You wouldn't be calling ME a child. And don't try to say you weren't. I AM one of those people you accuse of lying on the floor kicking and beating.

I got kicked out of a volleyball league once where I'd been a captain for four years. Another captain punched me in the chest when we were shaking hands after my team had beaten his. I told him if he did anything like that again we were going to have a problem. So they kicked me out for "threatening" him.

That is exactly what you're doing here. We (some of us) have legitimate complaints about our scores and works being, essentially vandalised and people like you say it's OUR FAULT! Because we care.

Then you couch your diatribe against us in terms like you know we're going to hate you but you don't care. And you call US children.

I do draw because I like to.

You say you're a preschool teacher. What happens when there IS a reward system (call it stickers) and a child deserves one but isn't given one. I guess that type of justice is okay in your book??? Great teacher. I'll send my kids right over.

The fact of the matter is that htere IS a voting system. And it IS being abused. Don't you dare suggest it's BECAUSE of the people being abused or BECAUSE of the existance of the voting system itself. There is a malicious vandal amoung us and YOU are not onyl forgiving them but abetting their effort by blaming US for it in the first place.

If you want to draw for the sake of drawing then why on earth did you make this comment? Go - draw. For whatever reason. But all I can glean from your post is that you are insincere. Because your actions DO NOT follow your own words.

And - in closing. This post is addressed to Ernie specifically.

I remain, kicking and beating and crying for my sticker,
The CAUSE of the problem.


47. 11 Mar 2009 22:27


ahh, see, just like a child you see what you want to see, and read what you want to read, and assume what you want to assume because you are so caught up in your own world and your own motives that you can't see the bigger picture.

You are a child having a tantrum, and your last post has just proven it, you have made it personal. you have made it all about you, and you have taken the lowest form of defense, to personally assault the person who made the broad comments, aimed not just at you.

You do not know me.

You do not know how good a teacher i am.

You do make assumptions, its what you do.
"I love it when people say things like "people are gonna hate me because of this..." and then follow it with "but". Then say they don't care. That's an inaccurate statement. It's false. Period."

You contradict youself, it's what you do.
"I don't actually care if someone doesn't like one of my pictures "
"But 21 straight votes of five followed by a one vote is MALICIOUS! "

how do you know sumone just didn't like it? just because u think its gods gift to think draw, doesnt mean sumone else does.

And i am making this sorts of comments because i am sick and tired of people making the contrary comments. but, fine, if you cant handle the fact that sumone has a different opinion to u (and everyone else i aimed it at, just cos it followed urs, doesnt mean ur post triggered it), and u (and they) cant handle that fact that sumone sees its completely differently to
them, and has to make it a personal attack on me because they ASSUMED i did the same to them, fine... go to hell!!!!! I QUIT!!!

48. 11 Mar 2009 22:29


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

49. 11 Mar 2009 22:29


And the one-voter is revealed!

50. 11 Mar 2009 22:31


again with the assumptions the one voter is NOT me...

i have possibly voted on about 12 pictures the entire time i have been here, cos i dont feel the need to vote, cos i dont see that it is about the votes, as i have said, but if it makes you feel better to keep personally naming people you think are the one voters, then i would not be surprised if they all want to punch you in the chest and throw you off the team for threatening behaviour. YOU ARE A BULLY!!!!

51. 11 Mar 2009 22:34


I though you quit. I guess you really ARE insincere. Can't even follow up on that can you?

52. 11 Mar 2009 22:36


I'm not quiting think draw, cos then u would win, and bullies should never be allowed to win, i quit trying to raise my point in forums where clearly certain people feel they hold all the power, and will use standover tactics and bullying to try and scare people into not voting anything less than 5 for them.

If i was a malicious person i would now go and vote every single one of ur pictured with a 1, for being a bully and attacking me, but i am bigger than that. and i hope you have just alienated yourself from everyone on here for this display.

53. 11 Mar 2009 22:52


"and people are having tantrums because they are not getting what they thing they deserve, just like children do when they think they deserve a sticker."

I think Ernie said this in his post. Tantrums. Hmm...

Said it again in a later post: "You are a child having a tantrum"

"and watching you all lie on the floor, kicking ur legs and beating ur fists, cos sumone didn't give u a sticker."

I didn't say that - Ernie did!

"Aimed not just at you" - Again - Ernie.

Not "just" at you INCLUDES me. Yet I "have made it personal".

"Now... everyone is gonna hate me cos of this, but, you know what, i dont care..." - Ernie

You also say, Ernie, that I see what I want to see and read what I want to read. Yet you say nothing in your defense except to call me a bully. You are the problem. Forgiving those who do harm intentionally by calling those who challenge them the problem.

I don't know you or how good a teacher you are - but, if your post has any sincerity (which it appears not to) then I wouldn't want you teaching my children. Your solution to problems seems to be to punish the bullied - not the bully. Or take, what, recess away altogether so there can be no bullying there?

What if one child lied about another and kept him from getting a sticker. You would call the child who complained a feet-kicking, fist-beating tantrum-child. WOuld you do NOTHING about the actual bully?

Your post made me angry. I do apologize for that. But not for anything I said in anger.

You can say all you want that I made this personal. But your post was addressed to me (an dothers) but I am on that list. So don't get bent out of shape when I respond.

You said "people are gonna hate me because of this" then get all worked up when someone actually does what you said.

I am addressing you personally. You made the post. You were not some floating idealogical concept when you wrote it nor are the people it was addressed to ephemeral concepts. We are people. I am people.

You also accuse me of contradicting myself:

You wrote:
You contradict youself, it's what you do.
"I don't actually care if someone doesn't like one of my pictures "
"But 21 straight votes of five followed by a one vote is MALICIOUS! "

THere is no contradiction there. It follows. But you also say it is ME who doesn't read or see the bigger picture.

You say you made your comment because people make contradictory comments. Yet, strangely, you failed to mention that as a reason in your initial post. Yet it is ME who is having a tantrum. "Just like a child".

"God's gift to TD." Where did I say that? Seriously. Yet again it is ME having a tantrum.

And you are the ONLY person saying that "someone sees it completely different". I don't disagree. But there have been over a hundred posts since I submitted my picture with a single flower on the screen or a cat's face or whatever that got only fives. Yet - you continue to suggest that their intent was PURE - not malicious. Yet they didn't bother to grade those other pictures.

The only person I see standing up and saying my picture sucked it, apparently, you. Hence - you are the one-voter.

And I thought you had quit by the way. Or was that something like a child threatening to hold their breath? Or was it a real, adult statement about your intentions?

Are you sincere?

54. 12 Mar 2009 07:50


... Sigh...

... Do you know why it is only the people that vie for top 5 that complain?...

... Perhaps it is because it is US (and I mean Ron personally ) that are attacked...

... My 4 year old is not attacked...

... My wife & older daughter are not attacked...

... WAIT... One of my wife's pics WAS attacked... Because she submited her pic while I was logged in... So they thought they were attacking me...

... Had she been logged in, they would never had given her the one votes...

... If I were to give y'all my log in info & you were to draw a pic under my name... You too could be attacked...

... I assume we should blame the USA for the 9/11 attacks... Or... Blame the allies for Hitlers brutality...

... Empty the prisons... It is not the fault of the robber... If that bitch didn't have her purse on her she wouldn't have been robbed... if she wasn't so weak she wouldn't have been raped... if they didn't build the wall it wouldn't have been plastered with grafitti...

... Why would it be surprising that the people that complain are the people affected... My city passed a smoking ban... It effects ME... So I complain... Those that are not affected don't complain...


55. 12 Mar 2009 10:30


I'm with Ron and Matthew on this one. I had a picture a few days ago (I have deleted it) with 25 straight 5's followed by 2 1's. I am taking time off from drawing, as I am rather busy right now, and also in hopes that this problem will be dealt with. It's not fun to put your heart into a picture, watch it climb to the top, then disappear from sight. As Ron pointed out it's the really good drawings that it happens to.
I will still check in from time to time, and be back drawing later.

56. 12 Mar 2009 12:05


I'm not into vitriol in either direction, but yes, I'll weigh in here with Luna, Matthew and Ron.

It feels oddly like a physical slap to find a strongly negative vote cast against pieces that A- I've put a lot of earnest work into and B- a significant number of other people have voted consistently high.

It hurts!

I'm all grown up and capable (I hope) of getting past that feeling and continuing to draw as if it hadn't happened. After all, I do know I didn't deserve it.

But to say I don't care would not be not wholly truthful. I do care, about the silly little pieces themselves, and about how you guys feel about them... so the person(s) doing the single-vote take-down is still empowered.

They feel good about casting those negative votes, somehow. That puzzles me, interests me, worries me a little...

The forum challenges with no winners/no losers are such a relief -- a delightful way of rebalancing ourselves!

Yet part of me still loves the Showcases, WITH their competition. I'm competitive, 'tho I don't actually need to win to feel good.

So I don't think it's the getting knocked out of the competition per se that's so upsetting... it's the vandal-veto effect.

That's real.

57. 12 Mar 2009 12:11


(pffff.... fix the broken plurals and negatives as your mind knows perfectly well I meant 'em to be, ok? gee, thanks...)

; >

58. 12 Mar 2009 15:47


now, now, we all love to draw and we love to be appreciated and encouraged. those of us who dedicate more time and effort would like these attempts to be acknowleged. I love earnie's lighthearted style and use of color. I am wow'd by most of you engaged in this debates art with such limited available tools. you should all be very pleased with your efforts. I like the rating system because it pulls out the most inspiring and imaginative pieces for us to look and study and learn from. art and science movements spread historically from one person who tries something radically different and new and insires others to improve and build upon his foundation. this is what happens here. yes, I love art for art's sake thus I have done 3 madalas for my self meditation ,pleasure, testing, whatever. these were theraputic and balancing for me. getting me away from competitive spirit and back to the pleasure of personal expression and harmony. no one was awstruck by these, and rightly so but I hope they soothed the spirits of some. I don't like to be lost in the shuffle but due to mediocrity I may be. those of you who are not mediocre, I would like to be able to find your inspiring work in the press of numbers without looking forever. at this time I can find great works of art by looking for top 5 people and then reviewing all their pieces by following one to it's creators site. occasionally someone brilliant and new pops up in the general gallery. this is exciting, like opening a present at christmas. with wonderful encouragement and generosity of spirit the true talent among this group welcomes and instructs new people, wonderful, especially for the children. or those developing their skills. All of you posting in this thread have great yet varied talent. I love to see and enjoy your art and know the work involved and the pleasure you would recieve for acknowlegement of this . support each other please. td will find a solution perhaps just straight scoring, or yes or no. please do not withdraw because everyone looses something then. please don't turn on each other nor accuse each other. that will only create hard feelings and not resolve the issue. 2 wrongs do not make right and mean spiritedness can only be combated by the opposite reaction. someone has to deal with their conscience here I am very greatful it isn't me. but I do not want to add to the problem either. each of you has great talent, (yes ,you do to ernie). I haven't always voted because I haven't always seen what you have created but I appreciate all of your efforts and kind of like to consider us to be kindred souls, maybe I am not as talented but I appreciate good stuff! thanks all again

59. 12 Mar 2009 17:28


...Well said gwinnyb...

...but wether the raiting system will ever be fixed is up in the air...

...the best I can tell is Rachel loves the raiting system & has no plans to end her infatuation with it...

... one can hope though...

60. 12 Mar 2009 17:29


sheesh... i can really spell sometimes... i think...