Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Manipulative voting ...

21. 4 May 2009 08:47


Login - Not that it matters but you might place my name on that list.

22. 4 May 2009 08:48


LadyO wrote: ...."conveys and emotion or image to which I can relate". That too is so true probably even more so than the reasons I mentioned. You are so right too about the real-life art. The emotion or image a drawing brings out is what I have learned most since coming here. I realized my drawings lacked that when I first came here. As I am growing in my own life the emotion is coming out more in my drawings.

23. 4 May 2009 10:09


I will add this saying "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people, all of the time".

24. 4 May 2009 10:37


KM, it wasn't really a list ... just a couple of examples (one of which turned out to be a bad example). If I did a list, a couple of my own as well as yours, would be in there, together with many others. I'm not classing my drawings as exceptional (I can see the flaws as soon as I post them) ... it's more about seeing the highest scoring work being ousted by the click of a button, and exceptionally good artists leaving because of it.

I like LadyO's suggestion of having the voter's name shown against their vote. Infact, I think several people have suggested it. It would name the culprits, even if they were using duplicate accounts. LadyO has also made a very wise comment about voting "for a drawing because it's clever, or cute, or conveys an emotion or image to which I can relate -- not because it's technically superior". I know I do that.

25. 4 May 2009 10:59


LadyO's suggestion works fine for me, personally --but that's largely because I don't care much (some, yes! but to me it's not foundational) if my votes were to attract "reprisals".

There IS a social value in secret balloting, however, and TD is an odd mix of benevolent dictatorship and pure anarchy (wry smile)...

--and yes indeed, I regularly vote for a wider variety of criteria than "artistic merit" as if this were a juried "Art Show" for heaven's sakes!

I love DM's comments about growing... it's visible in all our work... mine too.

KM, your work shows such care and sweetness... I love it... I don't know what more to say but I want you to know that.

26. 4 May 2009 11:02


Login - I'm referring to the leaving list. I'm turning it over in my mind. It's a hard decision. I think some of my comments are those of others. It's taken a lot to get to the point I'm at now.

27. 4 May 2009 11:06


KM... Though you have shown great distaste for me & my humor... I for one would greatly miss YOU personally, not to mention you wonderful drawings...

TD sadly misses those who have chosen to leave... I pray that you don't get added to that ever growing list...

28. 4 May 2009 11:09


Also, there's no "current" system. This has been going on for some time. It's gotten worse.

29. 4 May 2009 11:13


"I like LadyO's suggestion of having the voter's name shown against their vote."

Login, I changed my mind on this. Upon further reflection, it seems that it could open a whole other can of worms. Some people would be hurt if others didn't vote for them, and then the snubbing would begin. and then factions would spring up. I've seen it happen on other boards, and it gets ugly.

I still like the idea of casting a vote that has no ranking -- you either vote for a drawing or you walk on by -- and, TD not showing the votes until it's over.

30. 4 May 2009 11:15


I apologise, KM. I did misunderstand you regarding the 'list'.

31. 4 May 2009 11:45


I've figured out the solution to my problem and perhaps everyone elses. I will go up to the library and at each computer obtain quite a few different user IDs. I will then proceed to vote for myself and comment. That would give some people a real chance at the top 5! Do you think! Maybe that's what I will do. It seems to work on this site.

32. 4 May 2009 11:55



162 of your 308 pics have a perfect rating... You are so abused...

33. 4 May 2009 11:59


Aren't I though!

34. 4 May 2009 11:59


Sorry, I shouldn't have said that...

35. 4 May 2009 12:00


Don't apologize. Too late!

36. 4 May 2009 12:01


Seems someone made sure I wasn't more abused!

37. 4 May 2009 12:08


Lady O, I think your words are wise and eloquent, and frankly, your humor in your art makes you one of my favorite artists, Top 5 or not! I am not sure how to write this in a way that doesn't come across as being offensive, when I promise that's not my intention. But it seems like the people who are complaining the most passionately about all of this, are the same pople whose work completely monopolizes the top 5. They are fine artists, and their work is mind-blowingly fantastic, but I really don't see where they are getting all that slighted by this system. Maybe one of their really great ones didn't make it when they felt it should, but 5 of their other ones DID! I don't even try to compete, so in a way I feel lucky that my lack of talent makes me somewhat immune to the failures of the voting system. I just draw for fun, enjoy comments a lot, and once in awhile do something I really like. But mostly I love to look at everyone else's work and admire their talent and patience. You are right, Lady O about the competition bringing an ugly side to this. But I guess it also inspires even greater works.

38. 4 May 2009 12:11


I hope robindcr8l you're not referring to me! I am not in the top 5. This dispute is regard manipulation of the top 5 which is not fair and unethical. I'm fighting for others chances.

39. 4 May 2009 12:20


kmkagle, I'm not referring to any 1 person specifically, and honestly don't mean it to sound snippy or anything. That's the problem with typing instead of a one to one conversation where you can hear voice inflections. And I noticed after I posted this, that I actually meant it to go on the other forum about the simple, fair solution, so you are right that my comment didn't really belong here on a forum about manipulation of top 5. Frankly, I have noticed that myself, and have my own suspicions, too, but I really don't think there's a solution that will be full-proof. The competition on here is so fierce now, that it not only inspires greater work, but it inspires dishonesty and trickery, all parts of human nature. Sad but a fact. But kmkagle, please don't take my comments as being directed at you, really. You seem honest and fair and disgusted with some of these antics.

40. 4 May 2009 12:23


Robin - my point is, someone is manipulating the votes, taking away from someone, that's stealing. It's throwing the game in their favor, that's not right. It gets worse. I don't care myself, but doggone it. It's got to stop! There is some really nice work out there being ignored. Some of this manipulators work doesn't even deserve to be on the top 5. This is my point. I'd love to see everyone get their chance.