Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Manipulative voting ...

401. 3 Jun 2009 18:35


Why don't you go draw or something?

402. 3 Jun 2009 18:49



403. 3 Jun 2009 18:51


Thanks, ZeroMerc!!

404. 4 Jun 2009 09:06


I'm glad to see you're all at this.

When I found there was a poiliticing issue with respect to voting, I stopped voting. Now, seeing what I do, it is improbable that I will vote again, ever.

This morning I looked at the pics while having coffee. It shouldn't be shocking but it was. I went to comment on a pic, but there was note in the comment from artist that was highly inappropriate, especially since there are children on here ~ or are there ??? If Matthew is Dude and Lilalee, is Balder? Polenta? Zero? DO YOU ALL HAVE MPD?!? Or is only one other person on this site?

I thought this site would be FUN. And since I am very ill and unable to do much more than sit up (on a good day) it would be a nice thing I can do. Now, I am not involved in any of this. But it bled all over me this morning, turning something pleasant into a gas station bathroom wall.

Why do you have to ruin it .

405. 4 Jun 2009 10:02


Angela~ just enjoy what you can of this site! THERE ARE A FEW people that don't like each other on here: I happen to enjoy people on BOTH sides of the fray!! I rarely vote any more, but DO try to comment. I hate seeing some of my TD friends getting upset, but have learned to just go on past the rough spots. Keeps the peace in my soul more stable! Sorry you are ill, and hope you can go on enjoying drawing!

406. 4 Jun 2009 11:58


Angela, I apologize for upsetting you. I'm very sorry to hear that you are not well, and the last thing I wish to do is help to ruin your enjoyment of TD. My comments were not meant for anyone but the person who seems to seek enjoyment from voting down the hard, deserving work of other artists on this site. I was speaking colloquially, and the vernacular I use is very common in my "group." I believe there are people on this site who use multiple screen names and/or identities to inflate their own egos and tear down the egos of others. They come under the guise of support with encouraging words, but they prove what they are really all about with their actions. I had been on this site for over a month and had been watching these events unfold, but I stayed silent until recently. It upsets me to see other artists' work voted down as much as my own, and my frustration got the best of me.

407. 4 Jun 2009 23:53


i don't venture into the forums very often...
i souldn't add my "two cents" as it makes no difference but...
This site has brought me a lot of enjoyment (the drawing part, and looking at other's drawings)
I am clueless as to what people are accusing who and all of the voters vs non voters. I like it that way . voting and commenting are a fun pastime. It all boils down to freedom. there will always be shock value and there will be those who try to get under your skin, and the more time and energy you feed them the more they will grow.
time and energy are a precious commodity to me...