Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - voting down

1. 15 May 2009 07:07


I probably don't even want to start anything else and please noone take this personally, but is it possible that we could (or whoever is) stop attacking certain folks with the one vote. These people make some beautiful piks and yes they may "grouch" a bit, but...(to be continued i guess)

2. 15 May 2009 07:10


THese personal attacks are getting out of hand. I personally enjoy this website and have found personal satisfaction and as i have said before this is my "art therapy" and my wind down time after a long night dealing with "real idiots">drunk college students, the barhags and bouncers who serve them ridiculous amounts of alcohol, people with guns, crack head whores, street bums who beg for money for dope or smack, to shoot up, or get drunk. In particular could you please show some kindness to KM who is my neighbor and friend and does excellent work (on the art side). Now i[m going to bed and you all can post a million messages. get back to you later.

3. 15 May 2009 07:17


Thank you Doug! I don't deserve this nonsense. I wasn't the reason for this who situation. I found a problem and I am being punished. So sad.

4. 15 May 2009 07:18


P.S. This makes me stronger in not letting it go! Keep pushing me, I will shove, I promise.

5. 15 May 2009 09:08


km, there are many of us being 'punished' . You are not being singled out for victimisation ... you are one of a crowd of us who, if we get more than the average number of votes, get zapped to push us out of sight. Please remember, km ... you are one of the crowd.

6. 15 May 2009 09:56


As Doug said, there are "many" being punished with one vote! But I have to say, these one voters are one voting certain artisians in particular. If one does not like a pic, or artist, then please leave them alone! Otherwise, vote a 5, or just give a positive comment! I find its not my place to give a 1-4 vote. Its a five, or nothing. What's 1 mean? Poor work? A 2, oh, a little better? How about a 4! Almost great!! What message does 1 to 4 send? So for me it's a big 5!! We are all so very proud of our work, whether its good or not, in the eyes of the beholder.

7. 15 May 2009 09:58


Login - I want to feel as though I am one of the crowd. I will exercise the courage of my convictions, any time, any place. Everyone isn't included in feeling but I have lost respect for some. Treating a serious problem with a "pallette change" isn't my idea of fixing it. Please, don't feel my anger is at you.

8. 15 May 2009 10:00


Lilalee - that's exactly how I feel. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything. I've never one voted any one. It's 5 or nothing. I have never not voted for someone's picture, good or bad.

9. 15 May 2009 13:29


thats exactly what i'm talking about. If you can't play nice then don't play. Leave a comment. Speak your mind. Say "you nasty sob" whatever, but don't be vindictive and one vote to take someone else down. There are a lot of good think drawers who are getting slammed by this. But then we wouldn't have anything to talk about, would we? lol.

10. 15 May 2009 13:31


Give me FIVE!!!!

11. 15 May 2009 22:28


It was so nice to sit down for a long while tonight & just draw... Knowing that I will probably be voted down... But not caring... Just draw...

to get lost in creating... pushing all worries aside... and just draw...

...I have missed that feeling

12. 16 May 2009 03:16


its just a vote on a website. I understand that we can all get upset about things at times. I like what Matt said. Just draw. Let your expressions fill the virtual canvas.

No great artiest was considered really great in their time that I am aware of.

I do this for self expression. so everybody that votes for me should start voting a one, I dont care I will just keep posting pics!!

13. 16 May 2009 10:26


I see things don't change. People still complaining, feeling hard done by and blaming somebody else. Just the things that drove me to anonynimity.

14. 16 May 2009 11:30


And now forever.

15. 16 May 2009 11:47


Sigh... There goes my play mate...

16. 16 May 2009 13:04


I'm still here

17. 16 May 2009 14:21


you know this may not be a popular opinion (and please remember I have been voted to the back of the pack so often I feel funny being any where else), but I kind of see why someone decides to throw us off the front. toward the end of a showcase the same pics have been in the front of the showcase for so long no one gets a chance to see the others without paging thru the whole lot to see what is new and hasn't been seen or rated yet. I know I have gotten into the habit of looking at the first page where the latest and greatest live, then going to the back (after the pictures with 1 vote of '5' no doubt given by the artist who did the best they could and graded their own effort) to see the 'older' greatest pictures with 20 or more votes of '5' then 1 vote of '1' or even one vote of '4'. anything other than a '5' knocks art off the front page as the showcases progress. I don't rate unless I give a '5', but I will give that rating for effort as well as quality. you know I'll say it again (cause I really mean it) I draw because I like to. I am not the best artist, and I am my own worst critic. I know when I have done what I consider reasonably good work, and when I haven't. the ratings do not reflect my opinion. a lot of what I consider my best is rated badly and thing I just thew out are rated better. Why? I don't know. just the way it is, I guess and that is OK. I do like approval and dislike censure and insult though I don't mind constructive criticism offered kindly. I love the folks on the site generally, and I am so very amazed at what comes from the limited palettes. I feel I am in very good company in the back of the showcase I hang out with some accomplished artists there, most of you much better than I am. Let someone else get noticed on the first page it's OK by me. I get to draw and occasionally comment on pics and in the forum. I love to encourage new artists; especially the kids, as do many of you. what a great place for kids to be creative and constructive, they deserve lots of positive reinforcement for that to continue. I know who's work impresses me frequently and who inspires and teaches me so I look at their new work when I come online. I am seldom disappointed in this way. maybe people just get tired of seeing the same few pictures every time they look at the showcase and want to see some new work that is worthy of review. I don't know but it doesn't bother me either way. it still is fun to draw just to see what I can do. and it' great to see what you all do next.

18. 16 May 2009 16:33


I feel the mood changing on TD. We have become so used to being knocked down the line, it matters less and less as time goes on. It used to bother me but it doesn't any longer and I now get the same pleasure as I did when I first came to this site ... it's fun to draw and to see the sheer wealth of talent here.

19. 16 May 2009 17:33


I notice a very definite mood swing too, but that can change in a flash with a short burst of hostility

20. 16 May 2009 18:18


vote or dont vote, i look for the comments.

i know i am new and because of that perhaps my opinion doesnt matter as much but I come her to express my artistic side. I dont come here to gain approval.

Like it or not, the picture I created ment something to ME and if you get something out of too then great, if not that is okay too!!