Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Simple, fair solution

61. 4 May 2009 10:58


Yes, I recognise who most artists are just by the thumb nail pic... even before I see the name of the artist... Anonymity would not be real...

62. 4 May 2009 11:13


I am sad that people are still having problems with ratings. I have always wished that there wasn't that cluster of wonderful work after a single '5' on the showcase. those with 20 or 30 votes but not all '5'. I have gotten used to going to the "back of the pack" to find really good pics, that had a '4' vote or even worse a '1' vote rate them down. this could be offset by having all votes 1-5 running total count toward a final number as suggested several times previously. thus each vote, even 1 votes would be positive. at this time I am afraid to vote anything other than a 5 because it counts against artists efforts. I too have family members on TD, they love me so they vote for my work. they don't always vote '5'. that is OK with me as they are my critics at home all the time too. they know me and have to live with me as I am, and that works both ways. a vote or no vote with point or no point also would allow no negative 'bumps to the back'. the ability to bump people is the most discouraging thing about the voting system to me. it is like an insult. those of us who try to be serious and put a lot of time and effort into our work do not like to be insulted. I don't care if my style is not everyones cup of tea, I expect that, but cruelty hurts when you try hard. however, sometimes we all doodle and we know it isn't our best. a lot of my work is not great. a '3' or '4' is what it fairly merits., it is practice for the better stuff. many of you kind folks don't want to offend so you don't vote or vote'5'. this limits us due to our kindness and good manners because we want to be constructive and not destructive. I hear that and I feel the same way. ALL of our votes SHOULD register in a positive way so we can improve. either of the systems I mentioned would enable this positive feedback without rancor. I don't have to compete; but I do want to grow and improve. I love to please and delight. I appreciate constructive criticism and encouragement. I love the comments. I have learned so much from each of you in so many ways. I hope that you all continue to create for the joy of creating those amazing and beautiful pictures. the positive ratings are just icing on the cake. but art is food for the soul.

63. 4 May 2009 11:22


btw the mugdot's challenge has circumvented some of these problems by removing participants from the critical ratings to an individual judgement that is based on past merit and with recognition of effort. this fun and playful thing evolved from mature and caring artists separating form the pack to create a different system based on community

64. 4 May 2009 11:23


I agree with you, five. I can usually spot Qsilv's drawings a mile off ... she has a very distinctive style, so anonymous drawings would not help her to escape the manipulators.

65. 4 May 2009 11:25


How do you type so fast, gwynnyb? I was responding to five at 59!

66. 4 May 2009 11:32


...Ok.... After a vast amount of research (2 1/2 minutes)... I have discovered this...

... Submit your art in, submit your art out, submit your art in & shake it all about... Then do the Hokie Pokie & turn yourself about...

... That's what it's all about...

...What else could there be???

67. 4 May 2009 12:10


I agree with Matthew, there's no way to make this completely immune to people who want to "cheat". And GwinnyB, I admire your way with words as much as I admire your artistic talent. You are full of wisdom.

68. 6 May 2009 11:52


I am starting a campaign. I want EVERYONE to STOP voting. Just write comments! Peace Love & Harmony!!!

69. 6 May 2009 13:43


I'm in, lynn!

70. 6 May 2009 19:55


I saw kmkagle's picture of a crying eye and I saw something was happening just by looking at pictures in the gallery. I decided to come to the Forum, which I never do. I just skimmed through all the messages but I realized there were discussions going on. Well, I'm going to try to see everything as an outsider (though I'm not). I see two things.... one is positive , the second could be negative.
If Think Draw is a sample of American society or of modern society worldwide or of human nature I would say:
ON THE ONE HAND (positive) There is great discussion. People are not
afraid of expressing their feelings and
opinions. TD would become something
like The Democracy.
ON THE OTHER HAND(negative???)
There is so much competition in here and so
many opinions that if we don't negotiate
and reconcile there is the risk of disappearing
as a community.
I find this site is a beautiful place to visit, to belong to.... just think what we will think ten years from now.... if we are still alive. I love you all.

71. 6 May 2009 19:59


I'm going to say it as the teacher I've been for decades:
CHILDREN, BEHAVE YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

72. 6 May 2009 20:09


Ten years from now... Some of us will have gone on to discover eternity... Some of us will have lost interest... The children who can not manage to put together a gummi bear will be leaving us in awe of their talent...

I have seen AMAZING growth in this site & in it's artist in just 6 short months... What will be seen in 20 times that amount of time???

God willing, I will be here to reminisce about it all with you all... (even you Ron)...

Can you PICTURE it???

73. 6 May 2009 20:32


Off to dream about it...