Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Simple, fair solution

21. 4 May 2009 09:22


KM.. I love listening to what you have to say.. and I think you've just said the same thing I did (basically, it's a matter of principle !)

22. 4 May 2009 09:24


.. oh no.. I think we're all too hot on the keyboard.. I'll leave the floor to you !

23. 4 May 2009 09:24


It seems when I say anything, it's like I'm not there. I'm bitting my tongue to keep from saying everything that's on my mind.

24. 4 May 2009 09:27


I don't need to be told they vote because they like a certain person, etc. Voting anonymously isn't an answer. The root of this problem needs addressed and treated.

25. 4 May 2009 09:28


Some one who wants to can get around ISP verification, too. Verifying emails at least makes it more time consuming to create multiple IDs, as there's the added step of setting up the freebie emails, whether for the purpose of voting up their own pics or voting down someone else's pics.

Why anyone would go to this trouble on a site that is not awarding prizes is beyond me. I also wonder how many pics a person has to see in given Top 5 not to feel slighted? Or why, having made Top 5 for one pic, someone would feel slighted because that particular pic wasn't their personal favorite? I suspect, no matter what voting system is established, there will still be some people who feel slighted.

26. 4 May 2009 09:28


Marg, you are probably right, I have no idea how easy it is to get new e-mail addresses these days. Except for my Gmail account I have no idea what accounts are out there since it has been years since I've gone looking for one. I don't use my IPS e-mail much at all.

27. 4 May 2009 09:31


I take your point about welcoming newcomers, five ... the 'comment = vote' may curtail that pleasantry, (thanks for pointing out the pitfalls) in which case, I'll abandon the 'comment = vote' idea ("at last" they sighed) and support marg's 'totalling all votes'. I don't know how I will fare with the 1-5 voting ... I am loath to put in a low vote on any picture these days, because of the devastating effect it has, but I'm willing to give it a try. Something has to change or the stalwarts are going to be here on their own, very soon.

28. 4 May 2009 09:31


five - you'd be surprised what someone will do to feed their ego.

29. 4 May 2009 09:33


Thanks Marg. Actually I e-mailed Rachel days ago it had nothing to do with this tread. One reason I want to do it is that my Dmarla drawings are pretty much never seen these days including by myself. I also feel that some may see me as two people, lol.

30. 4 May 2009 09:34


Just for your info~I made a user ID on my address for a friends child to use when at my store. She drew a little, & did some voting. Then her voting ability ended. If I voted on a pic, & then she tried to vote, the vote didn't register. So somehow someone CAN limit # of votes happening from one email address' when multiples are registered on TD under the same email.

31. 4 May 2009 09:34


I met thread. I want an edit button too.

32. 4 May 2009 09:37


laughing! (I feel your pain!)

33. 4 May 2009 09:39


that's interesting, lynnspotter .. but I'm not sure what the best way of getting Rachel to actually tell us anything is (sorry for the mangled English !)

anyone got any ideas [and that means you too, KM !] ?

34. 4 May 2009 09:42


Lynnspotter, this happened to me many times so I e-mail Rachel. She told me if you wrote, "thanks", for example you couldn't write, "thanks", a second time because repeats of the same message are not allowed. I have no problem with more than one account, I wasn't saying that.

35. 4 May 2009 09:42



I don't think I've ever heard this expression before - and I love it :
'Get rid of the shoes causing the blister!'

36. 4 May 2009 09:45


Lynnspotter, I suspect that the voting is linked internally within TD to the email address provided by the user, not the user name; hence, one vote per email address. But, as noted in another thread by ron, it appears that one can set up multiple profiles using different email addresses, even fake emails, for each vote, and the TD system doesn't check to see if the email addresses are actual addresses. If they did email verify -- e.g. send you an email to confirm your email address before establishing the profile -- then a person would have to establish extra email addresses, which admittedly can be done, to verify. It's possible (I don't know the logistics) to link the profile to your ISP address, which is unique I think for each computer, or perhaps for each connection into a server. It's possible to set up and route through dummy ISPs (again, I don't know the logistics) if someone really wants to go to the trouble, but that might be beyond the technical know how of many people on TD. ISP addresses are how users gets blocked on sites: they are blocked by blocking their unique ISP address.

37. 4 May 2009 09:45


LadyO, I have been challenged spelling and writing wise all my life it sure is painful. Thanks.

38. 4 May 2009 09:50


We already have a weighted system ... it didn't prevent some exceptionally high scorers from being ousted [Luna's 'Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid' (46 votes) or Graham's 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' (62 votes) to name just two that stick in my mind].

39. 4 May 2009 09:56


Well.. Grahame's did make it into Top 5, which is more than can be said for Butch & Sundance..

I'm easy.. I just DON'T want a weighted system - I want a really simple, straight, 'everybody understands how it works' system.

Oh.. and I have to go now, so thanks all and speak to you tomorrow !

40. 4 May 2009 09:56


Marg - I'm an upset member who among others has had something taken from them. I will give give, but don't steal from me. My feelings aren't directed at most members, believe me. I have a deep affection for most of you, your talent and your wit. This person is going to trip themselves up and I want to see it and I want to hear all that you have to say when it happens. I want to see fairness on this site, not this greed that is growing with each month and it is getting worse and, out of hand. Look what it's doing now. I am tired of seeing some work that doesn't deserve the honor, win the top 5 while others who submit some lovely work are passed by because someone is (they think) clever enough to get away with it.

I'm glad you like my saying, I have a lot more!