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261. 20 May 2009 20:23


I haven't seen the lemon offered in several years.
It seems you need to fight to appeal to kids so flavors are now called things like 'purple dinosaur crunch' or 'triple marshmallow gummi worm swirl'

262. 20 May 2009 20:26


Ice cream flavors can be very regional. Coffee Ice Cream was a very New England flavor for years and was unheard of in large swaths of the US.
I never saw Rocky Road or Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream until I was a teenager though certainly they existed elsewhere

263. 20 May 2009 20:29


Up here where I am peanut butter flavors have hit the big time now. Peanut Butter Fudge Ripple is a good example. Also 'Moose Tracks' which has mini peanut butter cups and fudge swirled into a vanilla base

264. 20 May 2009 20:31


One I can find sometimes is coffee oreo, which is similar to 'cookies and cream' with a coffee base rather than the vanilla. That one is incredible.

265. 20 May 2009 20:33


Those fancy flavors, I never tried, till my son when he was younger got me to try a few. Bubble Gum, the worst, cookie dough, yuck! Moose tracks, good. Pumpkin is popular here, and good. Still go for my chocolate!

266. 20 May 2009 20:36


I went to Indiana once with my dad, and he said they had lemon custard, and well it was the best! Last summer a couple places had it here, terrible! Do you have Cold Stone there?

267. 20 May 2009 20:42


I love pumpkin ice cream, have a weakness for those molasses or brown sugar and clove flavors.
Bubble gum ice cream is evil, the flavor reminds me of what baby powder smells like. Sometimes the flavors that feature coconut in the mix can be pretty bad when they start to resemble the scent of suntan lotion.
Generally I like coconut too.
I sent off an email to Turkey Hill ice cream a couple months ago to complain about their 'duetto chocolate/coconut' flavor.
I actually had to throw the carton out, I just couldn't get the stuff down. I've loved their ice cream for years but this just wasn't for me.
Their customer service rep sent me a small fortune in coupons, some refrigerator magnets, a calendar... all sorts of stuff. Nice lady

268. 20 May 2009 20:45


Wer'e just getting Cold Stone Creameries now, they're putting them into Tim Horton's Donut Shops. I like their ice cream but again it gets very expensive.
Been to their shop at Venice Beach (Cali) twice now. I get dark dark chocolate ice cream mashed up with banana slices, almond slivers and chocolate bar pieces, absolute heaven

269. 20 May 2009 20:45


MMmmmmmmm.... Suntan Lotion...

270. 20 May 2009 20:46


There is a company in Sandusky, Ohio that makes Tofts ice cream, we get at the store. They have over 50 flavors. I don't like their chocolate, but our son bought their coconut cream pie, and man, you can't stop eating it! Its just too good!

271. 20 May 2009 20:56


I could live on Ben & Jerry's were I a wealthy man, 'Chunky Monkey' being my favorite.

272. 20 May 2009 20:59


Never heard of that one. My husband quit drinking 16 years ago (AA) and he eats ice cream every night! Only vanilla. Chunky monkey? Chocolate with what else?

273. 20 May 2009 21:02


at the market my favorite brand is 'Edy's' (called Dreyers in some parts of the US). They make Swiss Orange which is orange sherbet with chocolate schrapnel in it. Their seasonal stuff is usually good: Girls Scout Cookies Thin Mints, GSC Tagalongs, Gingerbread Man, and a new one called Mud Pie.
I also like Turkey Hill, Breyers and a local Brand called Hood's.

274. 20 May 2009 21:04


Chunky Monkey is banana ice cream with chocolate chunks and walnut pieces. I seem to remember it having peanuts rather than walnuts but every ice cream afficianado that knows the flavor doesn't remember there being peanuts

275. 20 May 2009 21:07


Edy's is here, but none of those flavors! Hmmm. I love Bryers. Now I want ice cream, and all we have is vanilla!! A good recipe..... 1 gallon of vanilla softened, 1 small jar of marchino cherries, ! box crushed vanilla wafers and some pistachios. Mix and refreeze. I don't use the whole box of wafers, and don't use all the juice from cherries, but its good!

276. 20 May 2009 21:14


It sounds like homemade spumoni.

I really must get to bed. Tune in tomorrow for more Radio Baldur, 'All Baldur, All the Time'

277. 20 May 2009 21:15


Me too!!

278. 20 May 2009 21:52


Just so ya’all can wake up to jealousy, I used to live in Stowe VT just up the road from the B&J’s factory. We got “seconds” anything that was somehow messed up, packaged wrong, too much goodies - whatever and it was like $1.50 a pint.

I gained almost 20 pounds that year. That’ll help cut through the jealousy.

279. 21 May 2009 07:17


You are evil evil evil evil solosater, They have a very deep dark fudge brownie flavor too that I like, can't remember it's exact name though.

280. 21 May 2009 11:25


Chocolated Fudge Brownie is my favorite flavor from them. I don't know if that's the one or not but it's pure yum.