Title: If U C a tunnel/U'v gone 2far~press>....
created on 19 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. ESTELLA wrote:
  If See you a tunnel you have gone too far. But if you press play... you'll see me here behind the window that is beneath Almond Palms oh so near---- Can you guess -wear- my home town might be?
2. spam wrote:
3. spam wrote:
 This is a very cleverly done pic.
4. ESTELLA wrote:
 thank you ! or how does you mean-may you be scarcastically? oh no - my be I have offendings you ... Pleasa I'm sorry an too my English not good
5. spam wrote:
 Your drawings are very good Estella and you get on fine with your English and was my guess right for your home town?
6. ESTELLA wrote:
 Oh Sorrento is a city ! no its not right guess ... I'm thinks I offending you because i missed some nuanse or somethings like that. My friend proofreadings is not here too. I learning the English to myself almostly 2 years . My friends and co-workrs
7. ESTELLA wrote:
8. mekeys wrote:
 Nice picture,I really like the playback on this one,it's very good,but I don't have a guess as to were your hometown would be..I don't see how you could have offended anyone either..
9. Shanley wrote:
 nice work
10. indigo wrote:
 Interesting picture ESTELLA...the first time I watched your playback I thought of a burka...you live in an Islamic country? You learned English on your own...that is very good! Welcome to Think Draw, looking forward to more pictures.


Profile Picture for ESTELLA

Date joined: 19 Feb 2010

Number of pictures: 5

 My Home Town
 Halloween 2010