Title: Churchill Downs on Derby Day
created on 10 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. gocards wrote:
 "The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky Home".
2. NADIA wrote:
 Wish I could see it!Lovely
3. Login wrote:
 I thought for a minute you meant the Epsom Derby, UK. I was delving into my long-term memory, trying to think whereabouts Churchill Downs is.
4. indigo wrote:
 Lovely pic! Nice use of that shell...
5. lilalee wrote:
 Very cool!
 very good
7. Normal wrote:
 Gosh - is it time to plant my mint already? Lovely!
8. skynyrd wrote:
 Nicely done.Very very good
9. Shanley wrote:
 nice place
10. richsbabydoll96 wrote:
 Derby YEH!!!! GO BABY GO!!! Great Job. Knew what it was before I saw the title