Title: Chocolate Moose
created on 27 Aug 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Angela wrote:
 Good Dog! Welcome to the site. Have Fun! ;]
2. Drew Spear wrote:
 Vary cute Dog!
3. Drew Spear wrote:
 and Welcome to TD! I hope you have FUN! : )
4. Margaret wrote:
 Love it!
5. lilalee wrote:
 Sounds like cnady, and a sweet title for this nice pic!!
6. dragon9772 wrote:
 why moose? looks like a dog to me
7. katpedro wrote:
 Welcome to TD.
8. Normal wrote:
 Moose wants you to throw his ball one more time. Very likeable dog.

User: bbarry

Profile Picture for bbarry

Date joined: 27 Aug 2009

Number of pictures: 1