Title: this space is blue
created on 24 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Login wrote:
 Ah! I've heard the expression 'the air was blue'. Good representation of space, marius. I can see air waves, micro particles and extra-terrestial lights.
2. lilalee wrote:
3. pollyesther wrote:
 very pretty and inspiring.
4. Zozo wrote:
 Very relaxing to look at! Thanks for the comment on my horse and recommendation to the challenge. I've entered with my Buzz Lightyear! Thanks again
5. Trixie wrote:
 Love you pic!!!! Just beautiful!
6. coho wrote:
7. kyung wrote:
 It is a fantasy land! Just beautiful and fantastic!!!
8. TacoMe wrote:
 my watermelon swing did have a fruit fairy and your pic is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. potatoesoftheworld wrote:
 You should go on MIDDLE SCHOOL LOCKER and chat wit me!
10. KJLavigne wrote:
 Great depth.

User: marius

Profile Picture for marius

Date joined: 6 Apr 2009

Number of pictures: 58

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