Title: Kitten wants to go outside & chase moths
created on 25 Feb 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. DMarla wrote:
 This is so cute. I like you banana moon, I thought of using it in a picture too.
2. lindseykay wrote:
 Thank you =] I saw my cat sitting on the window sill swattin' the glass tryin' to get to a moth and this came to mind.
3. NINA wrote:
 Cute, but where is the moth?
4. lindseykay wrote:
 It flew away ^__^
5. smilebaby951 wrote:
 i like this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. matthew wrote:
 Too cute for words, so I will just hum a tune... hmmm hmm hmmmm hmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm
7. pollyesther wrote:
8. solosater wrote:
 Quite cute.

User: lindseykay

Profile Picture for lindseykay

Date joined: 2 Feb 2009

Number of pictures: 22
