Title: My creativity button is broken.
created on 04 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. lindseykay wrote:
 So...I haven't done anything lately. I can't think of anything to do. I'm just gonna go to work early. >__< No...I'm actually gonna go stare blankly at my TV until the last minute and then rush to work. Bye you guys! Keep up the great work.
2. yahoo wrote:
 The showcase has just changed to 'Song Titles' - that might help...
3. polenta wrote:
 Your ideas will come out all of a sudden. There are thousands of animals and you seem to like painting them. By the way, I like your ADVISORY very much.... Cheer up!!
4. solosater wrote:
 You could call this one "A Whiter shade of Pale" and everyone would be so impressed! BTY, so know how you feel! I loose my creativity sometimes too.

User: lindseykay

Profile Picture for lindseykay

Date joined: 2 Feb 2009

Number of pictures: 22
