Title: Ascension
created on 22 Feb 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Insomniak wrote:
 I'm making these pictures for myself. I've yet (if there is a way) to find out how to just save without posting so...ya. See 2012 pic for info that relates to this one (in comments).
2. NINA wrote:
 This is better than Flower-Helix. I draw Double-Helix, wonder if you saw it?
3. nancylee wrote:
 I have one, too, with transcription - but I love this one!
4. nancylee wrote:
 Hey - we WANT to see them!
5. Insomniak wrote:
 Thanks, and ya wow both of yours are great as well! Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not saying I mind people seeing them, I'm just saying that I really just wanted to save them, not flaunt them.
6. marg wrote:
 this is beaut, Insomniak .. and you've seen the 'save draft' button in Draw, haven't you ??
7. Insomniak wrote:
 Yes, but do they show up some where so I can brows them? I was just wondering if I can have a list of saved pictures (like now) without having to post them?
8. Insomniak wrote:
 To clarify my question, can you save more than one draft? Because when I hit it, it got rid of my drawing, and I could load it again. But I'm wondering if I can use it to have multiple saves? And if so, how can I go look at the drafts? If you can onl
9. Insomniak wrote:
 ...If you can only do one then never mind. I don't mind posting them anyway.
10. matthew wrote:
 If you have a pic you want just for yourself, just post it, then right click on the pic & save it to a folder on your computer for later browsing.... You can then choose to delete the pic from your TD gallery... Hope you don't though.... I like your pics.
11. Login wrote:
 You can save one drawing in each of the 6 themes. If you move from one theme to another without saving in the previous theme, you lose the drawing. Have fun playing around with it ... and welcome to Think Draw.
12. Insomniak wrote:

User: Insomniak

Profile Picture for Insomniak

Date joined: 19 Feb 2009

Number of pictures: 12