Title: E
created on 09 May 11

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. artsigirl wrote:
 COPIER!!!!!! not cool
2. brisy wrote:
 omigosh its just a letter and its not an r
3. bagel wrote:
 COPIER! SOOOO COOL! I actaully like copiers, that, in a way, says that they like what you have done and they want to be like you, in a way. Anyway, about your pic...I like it! Especially since my name starts with an E. And because I made an E like this
4. bagel wrote:
 COPIER! SOOOO COOL! I actaully like copiers, that, in a way, says that they like what you have done and they want to be like you, in a way. Anyway, about your pic...I like it! Especially since my name starts with an E. And because I made an E like this
5. bagel wrote:
 Whoa?!?! Why did my comment post 2 times?!? I so did not mean to do that. I only typed it once, but it showed up twice. (if you didn't notice)

User: Rocky2

Profile Picture for Rocky2

Date joined: 3 May 2011

Number of pictures: 15
