Title: Phil considers the moon
created on 31 Jan 11

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. nancylee wrote:
 What are the implications of the new moon falling on Groundhog Day?
2. Lizzi wrote:
 IDK, but is that a TV? I've often wondered what they did all winter!☺
3. Burgandy wrote:
 Very warm and cozy little bear room - great colors, and cute lamp!
4. gremmy wrote:
 A full moon still shining as early as Phil gets up and out would only do one thing...cast that awful shadow and 6 more weeks of winter would be at hand.Nancylee, you have control
5. gremmy wrote:
 over Phil based on this one and the other pix you've done. So hold him back until there is no sun or moon around. PLEEEEAAASSSSEEE. Enough with winter. I want spring!!!!
6. Normal wrote:
 Never knew it was such hard work for Phil!
7. nancylee wrote:
 Yeah, everyone takes Phil's work for granted. No Lizzi, it was intended to be a window. He is reading an almanac to check that he was right about the new moon. He is. This is the astronomical new moon - we can't see the lit side at all. So Gremmy is right
8. tarkio wrote:
 This is so cute....and so very clever!
9. NADIA wrote:
 Nice,love the cahir!