Profile for gremmy:
Profile Picture for gremmy Location: Orange Co, NY
Age: 77
Gender: Female
Website: -
About Me: A happy grandmother of 9 with the 9th born on 9/9/09 at 8:57 pm (just shy of 9 that night after nine hours of labor). I've parented 21 children and able to adopt my two youngest as babies (one was 3 days old; the other was 3 months old) and kept my 4 oldest who came when they were younger than teens. My hubby and I are married 43 yrs. I'm just a dissertation shy of my PhD, but illness sidelined me and hit me hard in doing it. But I have lots of good in my life and I'm happy to be in TD and TW.

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 10 Jan 2011   Number of pictures: 75

gremmy has 6 followers and is following 42 users

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  Top 5 January 11

