Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - TOP 5 JULY!

1. 5 Aug 2010 11:41


Congratulations to all July Top 5 Winners old and new!

2. 5 Aug 2010 12:03


A beautiful Top5. Congrats to the winners!

3. 5 Aug 2010 13:08


Thanks all and congrats to all the great artists on TD, top5 and not!

...And... Mum23... aehm... EIGHT top 5... it begins to be a bit embarrassing for you... let us know if we have to avoid to vote you, as you wish...! :-D :-D

4. 5 Aug 2010 17:41


Congratulations to the Top Five winners!

5. 5 Aug 2010 17:54


CONGRATULATIONS! Wish I had the time to comment individually on all the wonderful Top 5 pics this month. Plus, there were so many great pictures that didn't make Top 5. The talent has just exploded on this site since I joined almost a year ago. Everyone on the site inspires me to learn more about art and patience and not being too critical about my own work.

6. 5 Aug 2010 18:53


I would like to thank the TD community for all their kindness and creativity CONGADULATIONS top 5'ers.

7. 5 Aug 2010 19:35


congrats to all!

8. 5 Aug 2010 19:59


Warm congrats -- and thanks for the work and the sharing!
It's an education seeing your vision and approach, each so different.
Comforting to know, too, that these delightful pieces will now stay safe, delete-proof, in the Top 5 archives.

9. 6 Aug 2010 07:40


Thanks all for your votes and congrats!

10. 6 Aug 2010 07:52


Ditto to all of the above. Fabulous pieces done last month!

11. 6 Aug 2010 08:22


Congratulations to all Top 5'ers ... and congratulations to all those who's drawings were also Top 5'worthy. The quality of drawings has soared since TD began. Top 5 is now a representation of the best, so please, please, please mum23, don't forbid us to vote for your delightful creations.

12. 6 Aug 2010 13:17


i hav looked at all the top 5s at beginning of 2009, and not any of them r nearly as good as some of the 1s tht people r doing now! (except Luna, whose pictures r breathtaking!) every1 is so amazing! its a shame tht it is top 5 instead of top 10! cos there r so many beautiful pics! congrats every1!!!!

13. 6 Aug 2010 17:48


A correction to my earlier comment...thank you, Indigo for this forum! Lizzi had been the prior contributor and that caught my eye. Sometimes I think my brain and my hand are not connected!! LOL!

14. 6 Aug 2010 20:43


I’d like to add my congratulations to everybody on TD – the pictures produced here by so many people are exceptional. If only the algorithm which is used to determine the Top 5 could instead be used to simply sort ALL the pictures for the month (something like the way the showcase works, although that appears to be sorted purely on the basis of numbers of votes) – we would then be able to see, at a glance, so many more of the amazing works of art which are being created.

Clorophilla, you are a gem. Thank you for saying it for me… although embarrassed doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel.

TD has been a ‘Big Bang’ in my life. I can’t explain to you how exciting it has been to discover that I can draw. I’m afraid that in these last few months it has become an all-consuming passion and I’ve wanted to do little else. TD seems to have that effect on quite a few of us!!

Every picture I have drawn has been done only to challenge myself. I’ve loved the feedback that I have received and loved being part of this community, but I wish with all my heart that there was no voting… no perceived competition. I’ve agonised over what to do about getting too many TOP 5s, which I feel that I don’t deserve. So many times, I’ve wanted to ask you not to vote for my pictures, but I haven’t done so because that didn’t seem to be in the spirit of the site. I’ve thought about deleting my pictures to avoid the votes too. Last month, I decided I’d only do one good picture per theme, thereby limiting my presence in the Top5, but that didn’t work either, and I didn’t enjoy TD much because I wasn’t really drawing what I wanted to draw. This made me start to draw with a pencil, which I’m now getting very excited about. I’d love to learn to paint, but don’t know where to start…

I don’t feel able to draw on Thinkdraw at the moment. If I do again, I promise that it won’t be with the zeal that I have been for the last few months! Thank you for your sentiments Login! If I’m not drawing as much, then I won’t mind the votes…

Thank you TD (Rachel and Gideon) for this amazing site and fellow TDers for your encouraging words and inspiration.

15. 7 Aug 2010 04:15


Congratulations to all Top5ers.
Mum, you should draw please. Don't care about Top 5, just draw at will. Let things be the way they are. Enjoy.... if not..... we will lose an artist because of Top 5. THIS WOULD BE A CRAZY CONSEQUENCE OF SOMETHING INTENDED TO BE A POSITIVE THING.!!!!!
We need your pics Mum!!!!

16. 7 Aug 2010 05:44


You should be proud not embarrassed...Your pictures give others something to strive for, a goal to be reached. Remove talent from TD and it turns into a kiddies playground. Don't stop drawing because your pictures are receiving the attention they deserve. There are others on this site who regularly appear in the Top 5 it is important for others to see what can be accomplished with patience and talent. Please keep using Think Draw Mum23.

17. 7 Aug 2010 07:35


Add my plea to Steve's and others, Mum! If you wish to explore the "usual" media, go for it. But don't let go of your electronic experience on that account. We would miss you greatly in TD land: you have become a guiding light. Thanks for that. And let the Top 5s fall where they may.

18. 7 Aug 2010 08:14


Mum23 I just left you a message on your last pic. I had not seen your comment here and I want to join the others in saying PLEASE continue your art!!
I won't repeat everything I said but I just get so much JOY from your pics....yours and many others! I've never made Top 5 for obvious reasons...LOL! Think Draw is SO MUCH FUN! But the best is communicating with
all you nice people! I've made a couple of e-mail pals too! Anyway, take a break
but don't leave us....OK?

19. 7 Aug 2010 09:00


mum, I absolutely agree with each of these messages!

This is soooooo not about votes, altho I'd be more of an idiot than normal humanity allows if I didn't agree that votes affect us. But lots of things affect us... constantly. Sooner or later they hit just wrong. It's like "art" ...being what the viewer brings to it.

Please recognize intent. And... altho I hate to take you to task here... please also recognize that you *could* have misinterpreted what you are sure was unequivocal ...but most of all, that it should not matter. That's right... nod... should. not. matter.

Look at the outpouring here... from those of us who appreciate you. Your drawings, your words, your approach, your art.

How could you allow one snippy comment --a mere tossaway at that, with no purpose other than just to be heard-- suddenly overbalance all this goodness?

Get your butt back here and do what this site has been calling forth from you! Do tons of it! Do it well... do it crappily some days and keep those too (as I do, for heavens' sakes)... but do it EXACTLY as it comes boiling up out of your inner self! LET YOURSELF HAVE GLEE IN IT!

And oh by the way? This goes for every darned one of you who're reading this.

Love, (yeah that mushy stuff)


20. 7 Aug 2010 10:19


I'll throw my plea in too for mum. Your pictures are a treasure! If someone's made comments to make you want to leave us then shame on them for not understanding the idea of community and grace. I hope you won't stay away too long, we've lost too many seriously talented artists (not to mention simply good hearted people) due to politics over votes.

On a side note, if you are wanting to get into painting I'd suggest trying acrylics out. They're inexpensive, easy to work with and you can find them just about anywhere that sells craft supplies. They also clean up pretty easy too which is probably something a mom to 3 would be looking for.