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Congrats to all top 5!!!!!

Mum23 if you stop drawing here I hope it is because you have found something that you love and enjoy doing that is taking your time away from TD and not the fact that you get alot of votes and Top 5's. You get votes because you are GOOD!!


I’m overwhelmed and humbled by this response from all of you… I thought I’d chosen my words carefully enough to not draw too much attention… and I deliberately didn’t mention the comment.

For me, there are two separate issues here (five, bless you – you understand both of them). I won’t bore you with details, but just want you to know how much I appreciate your words of support – I’m deeply touched.

TD, the art here, but most importantly, all of you… meant a lot to me… that is now even truer. I’m not going anywhere, but what’s going on for me at the moment makes it difficult to draw.

Again, thank you. What an amazingly kind and wonderful community this is! I’m so glad to be here with you…


Congratulations Top 5ers!!!!! Absolutely amazing pieces this last month...!


first of all congratulations to all top 5's !!you all are great! you all give emotions and joy for the eyes and spirit.
And then you MUM, if we vote you it's because you give much to us, our fantasy, our hearts, our eyes!!if you deserve to b e top 5 in more pic., this is just right. We all learn from each other, and talent cannot be hidden, you have it, and like us you've learned more and more, used your brain in a different way. Do what ever else you are pleased with, but TD is such a great place to be, to give, to receive, it can only add tools, colours, taste, to your talent and our lives!!!


Hi mum - let it be!
I wrote that thing about "embarrassing" bc it's the same I felt last month when i too had so many pics in TD. I too don't know very well how to face with praises, in some way I tend to see why I *don't* deserve them, instead of why I *do* - or to see where the other persons deserve them more than me.

Sometimes is more difficult to receive gifts than to give them. I'm trying to learn how to do. Sometimes I have simply to say "thanks" and accept - people that voted me deserve my thanks and not my apologizing...

that's is not a question of more or less ability, but it's about more or less positive emotion you can evoke from people - also if you didn't want to.

So, please keep drawing on TD every time you feel the need and the joy to do, and so you'll keep sharing your joy with us, with or without votes!