Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XLVI - Forces of Nature

1. 23 Jul 2010 04:59


Thanks, bhughes for passing the baton to me!

This challenge will encourage you to depict the powerful forces of the natural world. There are so many; some are slow and shape the world quietly over many years, others are dramatic or violent and change our world in a matter of minutes.

The challenge will run to midnight TD time on 30 July and the baton will be passed to its new custodian the following day.

I hope you'll surprise me with your ideas! Have fun thinking... and drawing!

2. 23 Jul 2010 09:08


3. 23 Jul 2010 09:30


Oooo, I must find the time to do something for this one. Good choice mum23!

4. 23 Jul 2010 10:03


Glacier...carving the land

5. 23 Jul 2010 11:56


6. 23 Jul 2010 14:31


a drop is so soft, so little, isn't it? And yet, nothing else can hollow so deeply the hard rocks under the ground of our Earth!

7. 23 Jul 2010 15:04


8. 23 Jul 2010 15:09


Human nature: the mob

9. 23 Jul 2010 17:08


broken umbrella

10. 24 Jul 2010 07:38


well, the idea there is, but the pic is not so great...

I read that the ancient natives of central America, when needed to split a stone, used to make a little hole and put a seed into it, and then... wait the plant to do the job!

11. 24 Jul 2010 15:09


That's a great story Clorophilla. Nature can do what people can't do.

12. 24 Jul 2010 16:39


13. 26 Jul 2010 02:57


Just ducking in to have a quick look - there have been some fantastic pictures and ideas so far - ranging from the quiet effect of the moon on the tides to the explosive power of a volcanic eruption. Thanks to all who have contributed so far!

Unfortunately, and unexpectedly, I won't be able to be around much for a little while but will check in and have a look when I can. Enjoy your drawing!

14. 26 Jul 2010 03:39


A simple, simple pic for a Force we can't miss:

15. 26 Jul 2010 04:21


A force I knew very well, 'cose I face it every time a swim (sometime with, sometime against the waves). A beautiful feeling to be a little human force moving into such a vastity of energy and movement, to be forced, to challenge it, and at least to begin a part of it.

Beautiful Force the sea - loving, caring but also scaring if you approach it with less than a unlimited humilty...

16. 27 Jul 2010 20:18



The shape of North America, with warm air from the Gulf of Mexico running into cold air coming down from Canada and no east-west mountain range to block it, encourages tornadoes all down the central-eastern United States -- it's actually called "Tornado Alley".

Tornadoes CAN occur anywhere, any time, but they're most likely in springtime and in the afternoon. The coastlines of Australia gets some, and Europe get its share, especially Holland, but the US averages by far the most... 1200 a year.

They're a phenomenally powerful force of nature, dangerous, but beautiful too --exciting to chase and fascinating to study.

17. 29 Jul 2010 12:41

Vals Lightning Bolts

18. 30 Jul 2010 03:35


Some more wonderful ideas and drawings - thank you all! I love what you've come up with so far.

Will there be any more entries? I hope so!

Tick, tick, tick.....

19. 30 Jul 2010 13:47


I'm not sure if this counts...

20. 31 Jul 2010 04:29


Well folks, it's decision time! Thanks to everybody for sharing your drawings - you came up with some great ideas!

There were some wonderful examples of the strong, slow and quiet forces which shape the Earth:

clorophilla, thank you for your excellent pictures showing the drips which form such beautiful cave systems, the stone-splitting force of plant roots and the force of magnetism. Your enthusiastic participation in all these challenges is wonderful!

pollyesther gave us a serene and beautiful picture of the moon affecting the tides.

indigo drew a glacier - surely one of the slowest and strongest natural forces, although they aren't necessarily quiet!

Angelia did a very clever depiction of the Life Force, which drives every living thing on the planet.

There were also some awesome drawings of dramatic Natural Forces:

suzze's tornado and lightning bolt were striking (no pun intended!)

hanging gave us a stunning waterfall and a broken umbrella!

five's depiction of the force of an angry mob was wonderfully artistic and thought-provoking.

skynyrd drew an up-close and personal look at a volcanic eruption!

clorophilla captured the power and grace of the ocean

Qsilv showed us both the beauty and the tremendous power of a tornado

and last, but not least, Vals' atmospheric stormy sky made me wish we saw more of that particular force of nature, and the rain it usually brings with it!

Thank you again - you did surprise me!

Now, I'm pleased to be able to hand the baton over to hanging!

Congratulations! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next challenge!