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Thank you Mum23 for giving us the wonderful challenged. And I'm honored to be given the baton to handle the next one. This is the first time for me to do this so I might struggle in the process. If you see any problem, your advice will be greatly appreciated. Okay, see you soon.


Well folks, it's decision time! Thanks to everybody for sharing your drawings - you came up with some great ideas!

There were some wonderful examples of the strong, slow and quiet forces which shape the Earth:

clorophilla, thank you for your excellent pictures showing the drips which form such beautiful cave systems, the stone-splitting force of plant roots and the force of magnetism. Your enthusiastic participation in all these challenges is wonderful!

pollyesther gave us a serene and beautiful picture of the moon affecting the tides.

indigo drew a glacier - surely one of the slowest and strongest natural forces, although they aren't necessarily quiet!

Angelia did a very clever depiction of the Life Force, which drives every living thing on the planet.

There were also some awesome drawings of dramatic Natural Forces:

suzze's tornado and lightning bolt were striking (no pun intended!)

hanging gave us a stunning waterfall and a broken umbrella!

five's depiction of the force of an angry mob was wonderfully artistic and thought-provoking.

skynyrd drew an up-close and personal look at a volcanic eruption!

clorophilla captured the power and grace of the ocean

Qsilv showed us both the beauty and the tremendous power of a tornado

and last, but not least, Vals' atmospheric stormy sky made me wish we saw more of that particular force of nature, and the rain it usually brings with it!

Thank you again - you did surprise me!

Now, I'm pleased to be able to hand the baton over to hanging!

Congratulations! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the next challenge!


I'm not sure if this counts...


Some more wonderful ideas and drawings - thank you all! I love what you've come up with so far.

Will there be any more entries? I hope so!

Tick, tick, tick.....

Vals Lightning Bolts