Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XLIV - the rear window

1. 4 Jul 2010 02:09


This idea came me in mind from the terrible hot weather we have now. Do you remember the beginning of the unforgettable "rear window" of Hitchcock? the slow drawing back of the camera, including more and more detail to the scene, and finally letting us know the ultimate frame, the rear window and its owner, the eye who watch?" A masterpiece!

And remember the strange scenes that the camera shows us, neighbours sleeping off, on the balcony, the funny behaviors that any person does at home when they think are not viewed... All that "strange" behaviors gain a meaning when we understand that it is a very, very sultry climate.

OK, I don't want to make you too much concerned with my mumbling... I ask of you a more simple task: to show the view of your "rear window" - the real one or any immaginary window you could are looking from.

I hope that at the end of this challenge, seven days later (on 10th Jul. at 24.00 TD time), we'll have a nice collection of funny, bizzarre, moving, amazing and simply beautiful pics!

2. 4 Jul 2010 02:11


and - of course - the enlarged pics are welcomed, although it's not a requisite for this challenge , but the subject allows well to play with multiple and collective pics if you want to!

3. 4 Jul 2010 13:27


OK - for breacking the ice and replace the topic on the top - here is my input, the very view I see quite every morning from my kitchen window...
althoug in fact my neightbour is far less handsome than in my pic!

...hoping my challeng will intrigue you!

4. 4 Jul 2010 14:51


this didn't turn out right..

5. 5 Jul 2010 05:32

View out my kitchen window this morning. We have no houses behind us, just A lot of squirrels and trees

6. 5 Jul 2010 05:57


7. 5 Jul 2010 09:45


Here is one kind of rear window pic.

8. 6 Jul 2010 14:14


thank you! I want to add that you have not to be realistic, you can feel free to draw anything your imagination could see trhough your real or imaginary rear windows!

9. 8 Jul 2010 06:47


I think it may be better to add another day to this challenge, to let the whole w/e for drawing something; so it will end at 24.00 of july 11.
C'm on, another 3 days left!

10. 10 Jul 2010 13:33


11. 10 Jul 2010 23:22


thanks bhuges!
And this is for me - just for encouragement!
Last day!

12. 11 Jul 2010 23:39


thanks you Angelia, Bhuges, Suzze and Five to join my challenge!

Sorry we had few pics, in some way this idea seems not to had "captured" the imagination of more TDer... anyway, I loved the pics, and this of bhuges is quite different of which I had in mind, and also for this, and for the "funny" situation she drawn, I pass the baton to her. Congrats!

13. 12 Jul 2010 01:51


Sorry I didn't make time for your challenge, clorophilla. There is just too much going on here at the moment. The entries were good so it wasn't a wash out. Congratulations to bhughes.

14. 12 Jul 2010 02:16


My apologies too, clorophilla. The view from our rear window is of trees.... I started a couple of times, but just found it too difficult to capture. I so wanted to, because they are beautiful!

You got some very imaginative entries for this one! Congratulations bhughes!

15. 12 Jul 2010 23:43


Thank you Clorophilla for the vote. I will think of something to challenge TDers with and pass the baton on. Thanks again.

16. 13 Jul 2010 06:49


I have started a new thread challenge XLV. Draw food.