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I have started a new thread challenge XLV. Draw food.


Thank you Clorophilla for the vote. I will think of something to challenge TDers with and pass the baton on. Thanks again.


My apologies too, clorophilla. The view from our rear window is of trees.... I started a couple of times, but just found it too difficult to capture. I so wanted to, because they are beautiful!

You got some very imaginative entries for this one! Congratulations bhughes!


Sorry I didn't make time for your challenge, clorophilla. There is just too much going on here at the moment. The entries were good so it wasn't a wash out. Congratulations to bhughes.


thanks you Angelia, Bhuges, Suzze and Five to join my challenge!

Sorry we had few pics, in some way this idea seems not to had "captured" the imagination of more TDer... anyway, I loved the pics, and this of bhuges is quite different of which I had in mind, and also for this, and for the "funny" situation she drawn, I pass the baton to her. Congrats!