Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Strange Comments

1. 20 Nov 2009 13:25


On a couple of my pictures the person named "Guess the artist game" has made some strange comments. They refer to my pictures having more votes than comments. The last one said I was full of "doo". I am not sure what this person is accusing me of doing.

This is too bad. I have enjoyed submitting pictures and especially enjoyed viewing others. But I sure don't need immature comments like these.

2. 20 Nov 2009 13:47


Ignore it, gocards. Anyone who hides behind a multiuser ID to make comments like that is not worth the time of day. Carry on drawing for your and our pleasure.

3. 20 Nov 2009 13:59


In fact Guess the Artist Game is to draw and other TDers should guess who the artist is. It's not supposed to be used to leave any comments. Gocards, we like your production and look forward to more pics.

4. 20 Nov 2009 14:08


Login and Polenta are right. Don't mind anonymous comments. You do a great job, Gocards!

5. 20 Nov 2009 15:16


Yes, there's always someone who'll use the multiuser names to be insulting and childish. They're probably jealous Gocards, your work is amazing and we don't want you to feel like you're being chased away.

6. 20 Nov 2009 17:11


Thanks for the replies. Don't mean to be a crybaby, but I just saw those strange comments and it made me mad. I hope whoever it is, is a child, because I cannot imagine an adult acting that way

7. 20 Nov 2009 18:17


I, too, hope you'll ignore the ignoramus and continue to draw your marvelous pics, gocards.

8. 21 Nov 2009 08:31


+10 points for sheftali52 for ignoramus. Excellent choice of words!

9. 21 Nov 2009 11:40


I agree with Login and others who suggest that one ignore tasteless comments, but also don't agree.
(Yes, it's a paradox.)

This ex-school teacher wonders what is the difference between: using profanity in the comment section, or leaving impolite or ill-mannered comments? I see none. Yes, the form is different ... but the message is the same.

Bad manners or comments will happen anywhere, but they will keep happening where they are tolerated. Why should we have to read such things, accept them and/or ignore them? In my view, we are actually *inviting* the Jerry Springer Show to visit TD when we ignore (accept) this kind of thing.

Those "seemingly-innocent" comments like, "You all are stupid." "That is a dumb drawing." "You all bore me" ... are merely veiled obscenities. If TD listened and changed the voting system, methinks they can change this too. (smiles here)

10. 21 Nov 2009 20:13


Or maybe do what all online games and what not do. Put restrictions to certain words; that way those people cannot give rude comments of any sort because they aren't capable of coming up with more intelligent words other than stupid, suck, and sh*t. :] But if they do... nvm, people who waste their own time making rude comments probably have a very short vocabulary because they're too busy doing that instead of learning new words.

11. 21 Nov 2009 21:36


Neopets (a particularly child-centric site) censors like that, and very strictly too... use a forbidden word and the software deletes your message entirely.

There's a lot to be said for a place like that; it's utterly safe, unfailingly pleasant, not lacking in bright, fun people.. but... every once in a while it does backfire.... left a few of us who were having the most innocuous conversation, having to type things like "that activity which babies do with a pacifier"

12. 22 Nov 2009 02:41


hmm.. this is an open website, with lots of kids..

I honestly don't think you're infringing anyone's freedom of artistic expression to ban two words in particular - f**k and c**t (and maybe throw s**t in as well).

I increasingly find myself thinking that any comment that contains these words should either not be posted, or should have 'fluffy' substituted for the words in question.

13. 22 Nov 2009 02:46


ROFL @ fluffy... That's great... Word substitution would so rock ...

You are fluffy brilliant Marg...

14. 22 Nov 2009 03:24


I agree with the others gocards, PLEASE don't leave TD! I enjoy and
look forward to your pics... There are a lot of kids on this site and maybe
some green-eyed monsters...I know it is hurtful but your TD friends stand'
tall with you! If you leave, whoever did this will have won...I would never
give them that victory!

15. 22 Nov 2009 13:16


marius makes a good point about not tolerating bad behaviour. When I see someone making rude comments about others I've taken too flagging it. I figure if I find that comment honestly offensive it's the right thing to do.