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marius makes a good point about not tolerating bad behaviour. When I see someone making rude comments about others I've taken too flagging it. I figure if I find that comment honestly offensive it's the right thing to do.


I agree with the others gocards, PLEASE don't leave TD! I enjoy and
look forward to your pics... There are a lot of kids on this site and maybe
some green-eyed monsters...I know it is hurtful but your TD friends stand'
tall with you! If you leave, whoever did this will have won...I would never
give them that victory!


ROFL @ fluffy... That's great... Word substitution would so rock ...

You are fluffy brilliant Marg...


hmm.. this is an open website, with lots of kids..

I honestly don't think you're infringing anyone's freedom of artistic expression to ban two words in particular - f**k and c**t (and maybe throw s**t in as well).

I increasingly find myself thinking that any comment that contains these words should either not be posted, or should have 'fluffy' substituted for the words in question.


Neopets (a particularly child-centric site) censors like that, and very strictly too... use a forbidden word and the software deletes your message entirely.

There's a lot to be said for a place like that; it's utterly safe, unfailingly pleasant, not lacking in bright, fun people.. but... every once in a while it does backfire.... left a few of us who were having the most innocuous conversation, having to type things like "that activity which babies do with a pacifier"