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Forums - Community - I Just Got Foured Across the Board

21. 7 Feb 2009 20:48


...I got y'all beat... Eye of the Tiger has the most votes as of todays date... but 3,869th on the "highest rated" pages... I received 8 votes of 1 before I stopped counting...

...I am liking the conspiracy theory... But I think it is my alter ego voting me down...

22. 7 Feb 2009 21:47


I just posted my Valentine's Day pic's and am getting 3'ed on all the best ones. I have been getting 3'ed for days. I also got a lot of 5 marks on old post. If it is from the same person, I believe it is, that doesn't make up for it. The old pictures don't have a chance to be picked for Top 5. I worked on some of these Valentine ones for weeks. Our vote average goes down a point very quickly with just a few 3's.

23. 7 Feb 2009 22:05


Dmarla, I also get old pictures zapped so, as you say, it's not to keep them out of the top 5.
Matthew, Eye of the Tiger deserves it's prominent position. I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. I don't have religeon, but I do care.

24. 7 Feb 2009 22:15


I didn't get old pictures zapped unless I got less than a 5. I'm not sure what votes I got but the star level didn't go down. I went to someone's page that has been hit hard and voted a lot of old pictures 5's and their average didn't even go up. That shows how wide spread this is.

25. 7 Feb 2009 22:17


Login, I got what you were saying, the person wants our averages to go down.

26. 7 Feb 2009 22:41


We either need moderators or... for votes to be recorded in someway. . . imo

27. 7 Feb 2009 23:57


Back in my naive,early days in Think Draw, I looked at a nice (but unexceptional) picture by a new/young/inexperienced artist (I honestly can't remember who it was by) and left a positive comment. I then gave the picture what I thought was an appropriate and encouraging rating of three. I was apalled to see what effect that had on their rating and, as a consequence I now rarely leave comments - but if I do I always give a five.

I really think we need a system where we can genuinely appraise each others work without being expected to give, or expecting to receive, across the board fives.

Why don't we try a 1-100 rating - with the cumulative total number of ratings divided by the number of votes given to get the average.

I honestly think we'd then get realistic appraisals and establish 'excellence' at a realistic figure way short of 100%.

I think these ratings should be attributable to the author and hopefully explained by the attendant comment.

28. 8 Feb 2009 03:48


ongoing sage, eh.. especially when all of your best pics get zapped, but the mediocre ones don't (and yes, it's still an honour to make Top 5 with something you ripped off in 15 mins)...

I normally give 5, but when I very occasionally do give 4 (say,I've just seen 4 brill pics by the same artist, but one just isn't quite as good - in my eyes) I usually leave a comment to that effect

I'm certainly all for knowing everyone who rated your pic, just like for comments, even if it was a mouse-over thing, like the time.

29. 8 Feb 2009 03:49


saga.. not sage (sorry !)

30. 8 Feb 2009 04:08


3 of my Valentine one got zapped early this morning. I was on and saw it happen. Anything this person thought was good got zapped/voted a 2 or 3 across the board. I mean across the board, 6 pictures in the same row. This person even voted a 2 when the picture had no others votes, talk about revealing your actions. People are on here at 4AM, Hello. I got 7 votes on one picture and I'm next to pictures that got a vote of 1 and weren't zapped. I'm at the bottom with many others that should be on the top.

I was in a group before with problems. I said nothing and the person told lies and because I said nothing the lies were believed. So that's why I know God sometimes wants us to speak up so thing don't take a life of their own.

31. 8 Feb 2009 06:15


I think if someone is that spiteful they should be found out. I have an opinion of who I think it might be. Some people aren't what they say they are in their profiles. I might be wrong. Someone might just be playing with your minds or something which makes them very sick in my opinion. You know in your heart what you deserve. It's hurtful when people do nasty things or just ignore you. You consider the source.

32. 8 Feb 2009 06:18


I hope some people don't take my comment personally, only the ones it applies to. Notice we're using (including myself) "they" "the ones". This is one situation you must. People can't be accused unless it's known for sure. Thanks all.

33. 8 Feb 2009 08:34


I think when this is straighten out that everyone's average should go back to a 5 so we can start over like from scratch. Also, I think the Top 5 next time should be based on total votes alone. There are some wonderful works of art out there that won't even be considered for Top 5 because all this happened unless we go by votes alone.

This would mean when our averages are reset to the beginning with a 5 all our low votes will not even be on our account since we will all start with a 5 again.

34. 8 Feb 2009 08:54


People can be so mean and nasty!!!!!! I always give a 5 on the pics I see. I mean if it caught my eye it gets a 5 from me...

35. 8 Feb 2009 09:14


I personally don't want anything reset... I have my battle scars & have survived...

...20 years from now I will be chatting with Bandon's children about the good ol' days when I received 8 votes of 1 on the same picture...

...They will stare aghast at the computer screen as if I just told them I used to have to get up & walk to the TV to change the channel...

...Then we will laugh...

...& laugh...

...& laugh...

36. 8 Feb 2009 09:18


Baby, I was thinking maybe we should just have a vote button period instead of a 1-5 voting system. I'm still thinking about it but I think this would be the best for so many reason. For example this would be more favorable for those that comes in here that are just starting to draw, don't have any God given drawing talent, or are a child. I believe even those without talent to start with can get talent and that this would encourage that.

37. 8 Feb 2009 09:19


Matthew, that is wonderful.

38. 8 Feb 2009 09:20


Just to make sure, I want to say as to a reset I was talking about vote averages not votes themselves.

39. 9 Feb 2009 08:16


All of mine got slammed this morning except the candle for Matthew, which didn't have a lot of votes. My best work has now dropped out of site. I'm not sure this is fun anymore. (However, I just had a tooth pulled, and am in pain, so things may look better tomorrow.)

40. 9 Feb 2009 08:34


i am with luna here. my only 2 pictures with a 5 average got zapped today. its a real shame that someone has gone after certain artists like this. i can't believe that it is related to unhealthy top 5 competition this early in the month. i dont understand why.

i spent a total of 5 hours on those 2 pictures and i challenge this person to to better. i hope they get caught!