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1. 4 Feb 2009 22:35


Tips & Tricks .... or a few things that might help you later on.

First off I use Google Chrome for my browser though I believe these will work in most browsers... try it out before actually depending on them in the browser of your choice.

I will cover a few things here... (In different posts...)

First I will cover how to save a picture and then keep editing it.

Secondly I will try to explain how to change a picture from one medium to another.

Lastly I show how to save multiple drafts of the same medium. (You may only save 6 total)

(If I find more tips or tricks or others wish to post after me ... on some they may have found please do so )

2. 4 Feb 2009 22:36


Okay this one is the simplest trick of them all...

1) Get a drawing you want to do this with...

2) Then have the drawing you wish to try this on your going to save it as a draft.

3) Open up 2 more browser windows (or tabs) and go open up your draft in each one.

4) Submit your picture in one, while saving the draft in the other.

(An important note: To save a draft you must add at least 1 item to your picture... this item may always be removed with undo)

3. 4 Feb 2009 22:36


Next I told you I would show you how to change mediums (themes)....

First off lets understand a little more about this. Each item in each medium has a number when changing themes you will be only changing what each number stands for.

Okay now on to the process...

1) Like the first trick you'll need a picture your willing to try this on.

2) Go click save draft (Do not accept!)

3) Open up another think draw window...

4) Go to draw... and choose a different medium

5) Go back to your original picture and accept to save the draft

6) Once this is done you should be on a new theme and have a blank canvas, click load draft

7) Look at your picture (which is also saved in the original medium)

4. 4 Feb 2009 22:36


Finally to save pictures and pictures and pictures... until you have 6 of them... In a favorite theme.

First off you are allowed 1 slot per theme... all we are doing is changing the medium then resaving. This trick combines the first two.

1) Have a draft saved ...

2) Create a new picture in the same medium

3) Open your older picture in another window/tab (Keep this open!)

5) Click save draft on your newest picture (Don't accept yet!)

6) Open up another think draw window...

7) Go to draw... and choose a different theme (Make sure you don't have a draft you wish to save in this theme... for this is the slot you are going to use)

8) Go back to your newest picture and accept to save the draft

9) Once this is done you should be on a new theme and have a blank canvas, click load draft

10) Place a random item on your picture so you can save the draft in this theme.

11) Save the draft

12) Check to make sure it saved correctly

12) Go back to your oldest draft and save it in it's current medium (remember you must place an item to save)

13) Check to make sure it too saved correctly (If this is an extremely complex piece I would suggest opening up two copies of it in the beginning of this process as insurance)

14) Go away and then come back to continue to work on your pieces

5. 4 Feb 2009 22:50


Hi Soda,

Not sure if this it Tips and Tricks or another Think Draw bug!

I suspect it is the second and we might have to fix it - Sorry.

6. 4 Feb 2009 22:51


Well the only thing that would be a bug would be the medium thing... though the first one would still be a trick... though if you did not fix it... that would be really cool...

7. 4 Feb 2009 22:57


You are quite right - maybe you should be doing this job

Anyway, you could still keep working on the picture in several tabs or windows. It is just the working in different themes/mediums that is a bug. The main concern is that this would happen to people accidentally and they would then be upset that their picture had come out 'wrong'.

8. 4 Feb 2009 23:04


Well... The portion with this bug/trick what ever you wish to call it is that it is the server and your account that receives information again after starting a picture.

However the bug itself should not be a problem since the draft is saved in the original theme and the only thing one would have to do is go back to the original theme and reload it. Since you have to refresh the window to get to a new medium however your older version still has the preset settings in which to save it in.

So I have yet to try this with saving a picture and that might be a problem but if people were to be cautioned into saving a draft first before submitting a picture....

The only way to save it is to get something that records the session I believe?

(I am not sure ... I am just starting to dabble in more complicated programing/coding ...)

9. 4 Feb 2009 23:22


The only way to save it is to get something that records the session I believe?

should have been

The only way to fix it is to get something that records the session I believe?

10. 5 Feb 2009 12:03


Soda: You just "discovered" this? And I thought I had too much time on my hands! Brilliant T&T's BTW.

11. 5 Feb 2009 15:00


Wasn't really hard... to discover...

My mind thinks this way... and when I decided I wanted to edit fire eyes based on comments ( even though it seems that no one but me finds fault in it...) however...I could not since I had just submitted it... I had already gotten the error once... and I live my life on the computer.

(Oh btw Fire Eyes was the second picture I did since the save draft feature or I would have discovered this earlier)

I was not that hard. :p

12. 6 Feb 2009 02:09


You just think this way? Sorry this is terribly rude but are you by chance a high functioning autistic? I ask because I know two people who think like this and they're both aspies. I myself have a higher than average IQ and you're making me feel like an idiot!
I don't mind, I was wondering how you did your evil tricks, thanks for sharing!

13. 6 Feb 2009 12:48



I am not autistic (that I know of :p )

However I am slightly dyslexic... which gives me problems in some regards.

Also no worries about being rude... I have dealt with many cultures and in one of those that question might be considered common....

Also when I was young I tended to be mostly an observer... so when I observed how someone did something or a trick they used to think... I would pick it up.

I also like to dabble in almost anything, and when I see a problem I won't let it rest mentally until I either say.. "I think I can not fix this with out more info" or "Oh that is how it is done"

I am in college still... and tend to have to think critically all day....

14. 7 Feb 2009 01:00


See now that I get, the ruminating on it until it becomes clear.
I guess I just get to the I can't fix this stage earlier.
I've mentioned before that I'm OCD, I'm actually OCPD the P is for Personality.
Basicly that means medication doesn't work for me, only behavioral and thought adjusting works for me.
I've trained myself to stop looking at things that will really take all my time and energy to figure out so that I have time and energy for important things like eating and sleeping.
I'm also ADD so I have these times of hyper-focus, thats when I'd come-up with this sort of thing if I let myself, though not in this particular field, computers are my enemy!
Except of course Think Draw and Free Cell. Oh, and Netflix.

15. 7 Feb 2009 01:07


I tend to split my mind up....

You could say that I stay focused on one particular thing for well... hours/days...weeks?

So if I have a problem... there is usually always a tiny bit of it being worked on.

Though with computers.... I tend to understand them given I am not an IT expert...

I like acquiring knowledge... so when I get into something ... I jump in... I don't just step in. I tend to be one of those that don't read the manuals but still know how a thing works after a day or so. (Then I read the manual for terminology and anything I missed)

My friends tell me I should stop thinking... sometimes...

(..However is completely forgetful as to where she puts certain things...Goes back to searching for her missing items)

16. 11 Feb 2009 10:49


I seem to just "get" how things work or how things are. I never read manuals, they just confuse the issue. In school they said my comprehension was high. Where you dive in I dabble, I bore easily, I know just enough about almost everything to converse intelligently about it and if I don't, I know it and wont try to fake it. Everyone who knows me thinks I'm an idiot, then after they’ve read the manual and are completely crazy, I step in and put together the shelving unit or install the new entertainment system or whatever. What I find really funny is that they’re still sure I’m an idiotJ

One of my friends in school was always studying and I couldn’t figure it out because she was getting straight A’s across the board, so why all the studying? It never occurred to me that she had to work for it, she learned from books, and that if she didn’t study hard she’d really not get it at all. It kind of blew my mind, I come from a long line of really intelligent slackers so the whole idea of this working for grades thing was just so wrong!
I’ve never been remotely ambitious; I’m a high school drop out and feel no shame for it, I saw no point in college and for myself still don’t. I got my GED the day I turned 16 and started vocational school the very next day. If it were not for my chronic health issues I’d have taken over my mother’s business and that would be that.

As it is I’m not able to work at a regular 9-5 but instead do odd jobs when I have the energy. I pet and house sit and while I’m there I’m always fixing things, my clients pay me extra to reprogram the universal remote or fix the leak in the shower, I do minor electrical and repair cabinetry, kind of a Jane of all works. I’ve never been trained in electrical or plumbing, and am not a tech expert but I just do it. I’ve never met a task I couldn’t figure out.

I find it interesting to look into other people’s minds and see the choices they’ve made and where they go from there. You seem to be so busy, 2 or 3 different studies at the same time, playing several instruments and still you have time to figure out these tricks and even post messages so we can all benefit.

I do sometimes wonder where I’d be now if I’d had a little ambition, then I lose interest again….. Oh well, I guess taking over the world is out and that whole astronaut thing was never going to happen anyway.

17. 11 Feb 2009 10:52


So I seem to have highjacked your T&T subject. Sorry about that, and again, thanks for the tips.

18. 11 Feb 2009 14:06



I don't study as much as others... no I don't get the straight A's but that is because I have never really taken well to the exam portion of the educational system. I guess I can say I am very similar other then the dive vs. dabble.

I tend to find it amazing as well when I get the same or better grade to those that study so much... "Oh that test was hard... I studied for 3 hours for a week for it" I would hear someone say... I would think "3 hours.. a week oO? that is insane...I spent 3 hours on it this morning an an hour last night before bed..." (I tend to study to gain formulas and dates more then concepts... I study to memorize the things I can not say on demand)

So yes I understand where you are going from. I started running start/ college and did CEUs (college without credits) before that when I was 16 so I don't think I have ever not been busy. Since I still did other things back then as well. I hope someday I will be able to just enjoy something splendid later on in life because of this hard work as well as help out others in the process. I love helping people... it is part of my character.

If I don't know something when someone asks about it, I will automatically go look it up. Read about 2 chapters worth or more then go back and help them. I get the concepts usually and can explain them to others. Explaining to others is also part of my learning/memorizing process... so it is a symbiotic relationship for me. Also thinking to get the T&Ts ... I am in two very different majors one deals with research and how things work on a cellular level and the other more of a clinical major. We are taught and tested on our diagnosing of problems and our ablity to fix them in the clinical major. So when I see a problem my mind automatically takes that route.

However when I dive in...I should say... it is more like an in depth dabble... I could spend more then that 30 minutes on learning what ever I need to, to help the other person or to see the relationship... I don't... I just go deep enough to where it starts to slightly bore me. I do however make goals for myself... since I make those goals I tend to always push for them. My goal after doing well on the MCAT will be to make my own website to help others and myself to learn and memorize educational concepts and facts better.

When sounding "smart or educated" here it is more how you use the language then how smart you are.

Then again sometimes I wonder what if I had said "Screw it, I'll do something simple with my life... that does not require so much work" all those years ago. I set my goal to be a doctor when I was 16 and picking out my first college classes... I don't remember all the reasons I chose it back then now.

Oh about hijacking my thread (this is what I was going to say for a reply >_< ) no worries.

Others still are reading it and finding it useful I hope.

19. 11 Feb 2009 14:11


Oh I also want to add to that.... I don't believe in straight A's if you have to study more then 4 more hours extra then what you have to study for straight B's....

Like right now... I get B's and A's and a C in math >_< ... but the C is what I studied most for ... I don't go fast enough in math tests....

But the jump from a B score in my B score classes to an A for me is mostly either paying more attention on tests or studying for about 15-25 more hours a week... I don't see the point in studying 15 more hours to get an A from a B in most classes. Since it is the smaller things like one tiny date or fact that makes me miss the A.

20. 11 Feb 2009 21:56


I guess you are goal oriented, while I'm more daydream oriented.
I never studied for any test that I remember; I’m very good at tests (when I took the GED test my plan was to take it, wait for the results and see where I needed to study, I passed with high Bs one A and one high C [spelling I think]). I refused to do homework all through school, and I promise if I ever have children, I’ll not require it of them if they can satisfactorily explain the concepts and pass the class.
I believe it sets us, as a society, up to burn out. How many of your off hours do you work?
I have a girlfriend who rides herd over three of her superiors, she’s the administrative assistant to all three, and do you know she’s basically on call 24/7. She doesn’t get overtime for her 11pm calls to make flight arrangements and last minute extra work due tomorrow or the world will come to a crashing halt. She’s single, no children, lives alone, and takes care of herself but suffers from ulcers. She’s burning out and she’s only 35 years old, that’s not right. I believe the whole concept of a “career” for the sake of a career is wrong, I think we should be working to support ourselves and enjoy our time off without our jobs hanging over us. A job, in my life, is a means to an end, the end of having a roof over my head, good food to eat, and a little left over to enjoy life. I see a direct correlation between hours of “Homework” and the “Work Ethic” expected of our society.
Your situation as a med student of course is different, as people don’t get sick 9-5 and we need good diagnosticians in the medical field. There are other examples of people who need to study for the greater good; doctors of all sorts to keep us healthy, engineers, so our bridges don’t crumble beneath us and our levees don’t break, environmentalists to keep an eye on our earth and keep us from killing it, Teachers to educate us so we’re not all a bunch of morons, and many more.
I’m none of those. I sit for people on vacation; I refuse to bring my work home! I’ve been in sales and service for my whole adult life and my feelings have always been the same. I think people should be paid an honest wage for the agreed upon hours then be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor by not having to bring work home and not get paid for it. On the other side, I know exactly how many people slack off at work and “look busy” it’s really too bad there is not a better, more wide spread work ethic, a real one.

Anyway, it’s great you’ll be a doctor. You’ll make a good doctor as you seem to see thing in a realistic way and are in it to help others. I have to see so many doctors; neurologists, pain management specialists, sleep specialists, rheumatologists, psychologists and the list goes on. I routinely fire doctors who treat me like a number and not a person. I’ve gotten to the point that if I see one and don’t get the right feel from them or their office staff or the nurse, I just wont go back. I don’t have the energy to put up with the egos of so many “educated people.” You seem to get that people can be different and think differently and not necessarily be invalid because of it. All of my current doctors have that quality and if they lose it they’ll lose me too. I just don’t have it in me to fight what they think they know about me. So from someone who deals with doctors ALL THE TIME, keep that helpful attitude, that empathetic spirit and you’ll keep your patients too.