Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - newmogdots challenge

1. 5 Oct 2009 20:07


Thanks so much for choosing me for the western challenge. My new challenge is our home and houses,interior and exterior,, people in the places you shop, friends, neighbors, neighborhood town, county, your community. I'm a way from my computer for a few days.

2. 5 Oct 2009 23:25


I'm not sure if this qualifies since it was inspired by a book and not real life.- though there is speculation as to the possibility of this book being based off of the authors own childhood experiences. any who

3. 6 Oct 2009 14:08


Clarification on Mugdots XXXV,
I 'm asking for drawings of our own lives, not fictional lives, Your kitchen, or view from your kithcen window , your neighbor , your actual neighborhood or one you've at sometime lived, and community, co -workers ,the neighborhood crank, the coffee shop and the waitperson who makes our latte, the corner store, your messy closet, the car repair shop, views of our actual every day lives. The idea was inspired by Belladonis's plumber.

4. 6 Oct 2009 15:59


A view of my every day life:

5. 6 Oct 2009 16:35

I grew up in a small town, and almost every day of summer i spent at the local pool. I passed through these arches on my way to and from the pool probably hundreds of times. once I even hid here while a freak hail storm raged with darn near ping-pong ball sized hail. then once i graduated i got a job at an attorney office, i was a file clerk but also some one to run errands- this was a frequent stop, to file for permits and whatnot. also the building behind here- that you can barely see through the arches-is where my wedding reception was held. now when i take walks with my mother- not so frequent anymore- we stop here and get water bottles. all in all- definitely a place entwined in the fabric of my life - hope this one counts... if not oh well,.

6. 6 Oct 2009 20:35

A local cafe and some people who live in my very rural town.

7. 7 Oct 2009 23:24

ladder to my loft with 2 of my cats ,violet rose, and tempest

8. 8 Oct 2009 03:53


This is a partial view from my front porch.

9. 9 Oct 2009 11:05


This is where I spend most of my time.

10. 9 Oct 2009 23:19

What goes on here.

11. 10 Oct 2009 11:18


If you can't figure it out, it's Think Draw!

12. 10 Oct 2009 18:17


By the way, when does this challenge end?

13. 12 Oct 2009 13:36


Agian this is a hard decision to make! I love login's picture of digging a bed the angle is great, awr65s is wonderful, i don't know how she does it time after time! I lol at mrozowski sense of humor at working in a cubicle . I'd go nuts! And lastly is Nadia's beautiful picture of a view from her front porch. I looked at her profile and the picture is in Namibia which intrigues me to no end so Nadia I am passing the mugdots challenge along to you. Have fun coming up with thenext topic ....coho

14. 12 Oct 2009 21:49


Good Morning everyone,thanx Coho for picking my picture,quite a suprise.We have a lot of big shots coming in from South Africa,but as soon as I'am available I post the next challenge.Should be later today.