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Good Morning everyone,thanx Coho for picking my picture,quite a suprise.We have a lot of big shots coming in from South Africa,but as soon as I'am available I post the next challenge.Should be later today.


Agian this is a hard decision to make! I love login's picture of digging a bed the angle is great, awr65s is wonderful, i don't know how she does it time after time! I lol at mrozowski sense of humor at working in a cubicle . I'd go nuts! And lastly is Nadia's beautiful picture of a view from her front porch. I looked at her profile and the picture is in Namibia which intrigues me to no end so Nadia I am passing the mugdots challenge along to you. Have fun coming up with thenext topic ....coho


By the way, when does this challenge end?


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