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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XXIII

1. 2 Oct 2009 00:31


Let's make this one a challenge. The simple list of words comes from the headers on the internet news. Here it is:


I hope this inspires some good original stories. It's wide open. Variations like traveller or sporting are OK Word count will be from 150 to 300. Go for it, my friends. Thanks again, Peasy.

2. 2 Oct 2009 00:54


PS. I'll pass the torch on Saturday. 10/10.

3. 2 Oct 2009 06:05


MMMMM---seems like there are 2 think writes on this forum. Has there always been 2.???

I'll post my story soon using giraffes word list

4. 2 Oct 2009 06:11


Sorry --- I didn't notice the date. I thought there were 2 lists but i now realize someone was posting Rons original ideas. I had a senior moment,

5. 2 Oct 2009 06:41


Join the club, mouse. I like being in good company.

6. 2 Oct 2009 06:46


Don't feel bad mouse. I think it was a great idea for Robin to post the "original mastermind plan" from Ron. He is the ultimate torchbearer and original. Although we may tweak things in his absence I will now stay strictly to an exact word count when asked.

7. 2 Oct 2009 07:02


Giraffe: Totally off the cuff as soon as I printed your list. I'll be back with another before the end. 205 not including title.

The Eclectic Hector

I don’t know why people won’t stay out of my business. All I want to do is search for the perfect part for the perfect machine. It’s not like its anyone’s business what I do with my nights. They send dogs to chase me, dial 911 when they see me rummaging through garbage bins, and pretty much ruin my ruminating lifestyle. Ruminate he says with a snigger and a crooked smile. Here I am talking to myself again!

It wasn’t always this way. I used to travel by car to the “factory” every day. It wasn’t a real factory, but a grey granite façade building where the “workers” inside practiced a different art. Job titles didn’t exist and our home lives didn’t either. We sat in front of plasma screens with schematics and blinking lights all day pounding away at a plastic finger board one step away from carpal tunnel.

That ok though. I’m almost done. One more little part and I’ll be done and it will all go away.

“Breaking away from our regular programming this is Ivory Stewart with a news flash!”, he said. Continuing, “an atomic bomb has gone off in the city of Seattle, well what used to be Washington State…”

8. 2 Oct 2009 07:47


Eclectic Hector WOW !!!!!-- what a story. Never expected the ending. The way you used the word list was so good. (One note, I don't see the word "sports". But, it could easily be inserted. )

9. 2 Oct 2009 08:05


Thanks for the pointing out the good with "sports". Said it was off the cuff.

Ok insert ("workers" inside practiced a different sport.

All ten in. Thanks!

10. 2 Oct 2009 08:06


-d +f.....I need to go to bed.

11. 2 Oct 2009 09:03


209 words—I counted 2 P.M. as 3 words.

The Instructor

OK class, listen up. This is an Arts history class, not a place where you can doodle or while away your time talking sports.

I expect each of you to dwell into the lifestyle of the Masters. Find out what made them choose there own unique way of expressing themselves. Find out where they traveled, where they made their homes. This will give you an insight into their character.

Your jobs will be to search the Library archives, or the internet. Make sure you go to all the local art museums. Also, look at the news articles in the archives as well and see what turns up. Maybe a forgery will have been reported or a new find will have made its way out of a private collection and into the public’s eye. .

Some of you travel a great distance to take this course and getting down to business should be a priority. I don’t care if you get here by train, bus, car or walk, just be here on time. Pick up your work books, assignments and manuals at my desk on your way out Class will start tomorrow, promptly, at 2 P.M. Have a good day.

12. 2 Oct 2009 10:43


Wow. We're off and running! I got confused since my name is also Ron. So I'll go by Giraffe or Wraughn. This list sounds a little bland, so feel free to warp it out as much as you want. Nobody can put in more than 33 entries.

13. 2 Oct 2009 10:55


Mouse, your instructor is a great combination of strictness and freedom. That's art in my book.
Doug, Hector's a prince - an example of hitting the lowest levels before a catastrophe. Sad slice of reality.

14. 2 Oct 2009 11:38


I like this list, I think it's clever. It's always fun when there's a theme to the words.

15. 2 Oct 2009 17:32


That was my intention, Dragon. With a list like this you can use Jabberwokki, auto-erotic, Crusades, or whatever. It leaves it open to individual construction. The stories so far are great examples of that.

It's not like "I read the businness news today about the sporting lifestyle of job seekers who travel in their cars searching for homes and art." I can't wait to read some more submissions.

16. 4 Oct 2009 09:06


Word count 232 not including title and its definately DIFFERENT, but what else would you expect from me.

The Roundtable Society

Its not often in the news that business men sit in an square room at an oval table discussing their latest portfolios over a glass of water. The only thing missing is the cheese and crackers, oh god!, here they come on tiny plates with sports cars on them.

We must have found the roundtable society. Today’s topic is the lifestyle of the pimp and priest. When there is a bull market they bet on the pimp which could be any number of high tech, virtual network, or up and coming stocks that catch the world by fire or flame out like a travel tote bag on a wrecked bus. When there is a bear market they bet on the priest investing heavily in safe, long term stocks like the IBM’s, McD’s, or ATT (do they still exist?). They will even drive priestly cars to their roundtable jobs like the Bentley. Oh come now, you’ve never seen a priest drive a Bentley? This is Hollywood ya’ know, not Wall Street!

On their way home the roundtable society boys tell the driver to stop at the art store so they can pick up some brushes and oils so when they relax in their mansions they can search out the perfect terracotta roof to plaster on their canvas.

Oh I left out the roundtable society whores. Lets leave that for another investment discussion day.

17. 4 Oct 2009 09:35


Gee, Doug. I don't know whether to admit that I actually "got it", but I think I did. Maybe the whores are investments in drug trade or foreign coups. Or maybe they're simply whores. I enjoyed it.

18. 4 Oct 2009 09:53


258 not counting title.
The News Report
Hello and good-morning. Welcome to The News Report! First, we will be discussing business. Business of the week: pop stardom. It's actually very difficult to train to be a pop star. Even if you can't make it to the top, you can get a chance to sing somewhere, but only if you're lucky. If you do make it up there, you're always in a pool of stress because it's tough. You can be bopped to the bottom as easily as the top!
We will now discuss sports! The sport of the week: racing. Just this friday, a local Sylvia Sylvis wins the Race of Diamonds, winning the Golden Diamond (don't ask)! Winning this large amount of gold had clearly changed Sylvis' lifestyle! She could be able to travel to China and back and then back to Japan and back and hardly make a small dent in her bank account! She could afford eighteen cars, each with seven five-star butlers.
We now speak of jobs: job of the week: chasing fugitives. An exciting and very rewarding job. Every time one of those fugitives are locked up, you get a sense of pride and you know that the world becomes a bit safer. The money you get depends on how many you catch. If you catch, say, fifty a month, you could afford a nice house, maybe even a few nice homes.
Now, arts. Art of the week: Mona Lisa. The painter always had to search for inspiration. But is Mona Lisa a man? Stay tuned.

19. 4 Oct 2009 11:43


Maddyjean, this is funny. It sounds like "News for the lowest common denominator". Scandal, the worship of wealth, and the pseudo-security of seeing the prisons expand. Good work! And of course Mona was a self portrait. Scandal!

20. 4 Oct 2009 12:06

