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Thanks giraffe (or Wraughn - LOL). I wasn't expecting that, I'll post a new list as soon as I think of one. That was a really good word list, I enjoyed it.


Well, it's been fun and there is so much creative talent here that decision time really is difficult. It's like comparing the zoo to the space program, or Frank Lloyd Wright to The Beatles. So all I could really go on is which one smacked me hardest in the Solar Plexus. Knowing that I may be the only one to pick it, I chose Dragon's 'Traveller'. It speaks to duality in nature and in our own minds. Have fun, Dragon, and see y'all around.


Is that Robin d' cradle? Catchy. I sense this is about the ripple effects of ill intentions and how it (even unwittingly) causes damage to her child. The only one with a certain gender is the mother. Thought provoking and well constructed.


208 words. No title...I suck at titles.

I grew up with this mother who was always poking her nose into everyone else’s business. When I was a kid, I didn’t really notice it. At that age, the only thing that matters is your own lifestyle. I was into sports, and cars, and even the arts to an extent, although mostly just to hopefully get a glimpse of some nude woman. When you’re a fourteen year old boy, busy-bodies aren’t obvious.

But my mom, she would travel far and wide to just get a tidbit of news about any person she happened to be acquainted with.. It didn’t matter if it was true, only that she “heard” it somewhere. She would repeat it all. As I got older, I realized how many homes she probably wrecked, how many lives she probably impacted in her own small way. Jobs were lost, marriages dissolved, friendships irrevocably damaged. I wonder if she was proud of her power?

As an adult, I have spent my life in search of the polar opposite woman to be my partner. At the age of 45, I’ve come to realize she doesn’t exist. Women are gossips. If only I had been born gay, I’d probably be in a happily committed relationship by now.


We don't actually win maddyjean. giraffe will 'Pass the torch'. So whoever had the torch passed to them gets to make a new thread with new words and a new word count. We don't say someone won because every story has merit and you can't really say which one was The Best Story, the current torchbearer simply picks the story that they liked best. I shouldn't say it's simple though because when it's your turn to pick which story you're going to pass the torch to it's really hard to choose. There's always several stories you really like and they're all so different you can't say 'This one's the best' you just have to go with the one that really spoke to you and got you thinking. The story that really stuck in your head.