Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - how do they know?

1. 9 Sep 2009 06:38


I see a new thing at the bottom of the forum's page: it list's people who have birthday's today. Or maybe this isn't new? Can someone explain?

Sign me, lost and confused, marius

2. 9 Sep 2009 06:42


In my opinion this must be new or at least I'd never seen it before. I wonder how Rachel has our birthdays.

3. 9 Sep 2009 06:51


Trough the CIA database Polenta. After all computer net was created by Pentagon, wasn't it? Lol!

4. 9 Sep 2009 07:12


I assume they know from information you entered when you registered with the site. Still, while they are trying to be helpful, they should not publish birthdays without permission as some prefer to keep that information private.

5. 9 Sep 2009 07:26


Giving your date of birth was optional... Those that gave it have there age displayed on their profile... If you look at five's you will see age listed as UNKNOWN... Therefore her birthday will never receive happy wishes...

6. 9 Sep 2009 08:39


The birthday greetings appeared today. Maybe five did as I did ... I entered my birth date when completing my profile, but deleted some of the profile later on.

7. 9 Sep 2009 09:38


oh.... please.... let's not have birthdays as a topic of discussion too. LOL
I thought before that two people were two opinions but now I think

2 people= 5 opinions

Well, I think this is why mankind has progressed on the planet Earth: we're never happy and fullfiled with what goes on around us.

8. 9 Sep 2009 10:15


polenta, CIA refers to the Central Intelligence Agency. This is an american agency which is devoted to security in the USA and around the world. They are basically America's spy organization. There are tons of conspiracy thoeries about how much info they have on people and whether they tap peoples phones or have databases on everybody's internet habits and whatnot.

9. 9 Sep 2009 10:16


BTW, I think it's totally cool about the birthdays being shown.

10. 9 Sep 2009 10:37


I'm cool with birthdays showing also...if you don't want to
add it to your profile, that's cool too.

11. 9 Sep 2009 13:21


Matthew told them....

12. 9 Sep 2009 13:43


I was joking but I appreciate it that you tried to explain. Why do I have to use irony?
Thanks Dragon, the CIA is very widely known internationally, I swear it. What I don't know is if there is a misconception about it or not. Shall we say it's the KGB's American sister?

13. 9 Sep 2009 13:44


By the way, the other institutions dont exist, and if they do it's just a coincidence.

14. 9 Sep 2009 14:06


I had never scrolled to the bottom and seen the birthday notices. Since greetings to me appeared today 09/09, and my birthday is Friday 09/11, I conclude that TD just gathered up a bunch for the week and posted them.

But that doesn't explain the Lilalee, Dragon, Doug greetings I saw yesterday. Still a mystery.

15. 9 Sep 2009 14:11


It was a joke Polenta. Sorry!

16. 9 Sep 2009 14:14


Sometimes people mention their birthdays in a comment section of a pic. I think then some of our more attentive users take a note to self and wish them well in the gallery. I remember seeing some comments a few days ago on someone's pic where people were talking about how they were all the same zodiac sign, etc.

I think it's pretty harmless and kind of fun to have them posted in the forum section. I'm sure TD gets the info from our profiles, so if someone doesn't want their birthday acknowledged, it would be easy to just keep that info off the profile. I thought it was kind of fun when kmkagle made me a birthday cake back on my birthday! And I think it's fun that others do the same on here for each other. After all, who doesn't like birthday cake??

17. 9 Sep 2009 16:41


a4 it is all a joke I know.

Listen people,
I was thinking this website has more than six or seven thousand members, if we congratulated everybody on their birthday, we would have to draw like 20 pics a day (on average) only to congratulate fellow TDers. I can't live without figures as you may have noticed. I love numbers... ah, and colors too!!!
AH.... I'm watching CNN in Spanish now and Obama is speaking about medical problems.

18. 9 Sep 2009 18:21


All I have to say about this is . . . polenta, you are hysterically funny!!!
Might have guessed this about you, but I tend to be a bit slow at times. However, it seems you have a finely tuned wit. I will pay better attention in the future.

And speaking of irony ... a true story. One day a friend was visiting her family with husband in tow. Friend's father only got a 6th grade education ... yes, that can happen in the USA. Anyway, they were all feeling funny and making jokes and my friend says, "That's irony for you."

Well that led to more jokes and her spouse said, "You want irony - here's some more." After he finished with his rendition of irony, the laughter subsided and my friend's father said, "Who in the heck is Irony? I've never heard you talk of him before!"

My friend, being the decent person she is, said, "Oh Dad, he's just a strange guy we met in Missouri." : )

19. 9 Sep 2009 18:34


Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday today. If I wouldn't have had to work it would have been excellent. I really enjoy Think Draw, and the people here are awesome. Thanks to all of you!

20. 10 Sep 2009 09:22


Marius, that must be Irony Smith, I was speaking about Irony Baker, she is much prettier. LOL LOL LOL LOL