Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - I don't care

1. 8 Jan 2009 18:04


Dearest one vote bandit(s)... I do not care... I come to Think Draw for my own personal enjoyment... I find that drawing soothes my nerves after stressful days with my new business... So, I do not care... I have found many people here that enjoy it as I do. The list of people I am getting to know & would gladly call friend grows day by day... So, I do not care... If my pictures were never noticed & your vote(s) was the only one I ever receive, I would continue to make them... So, I do not care...

Thought you should know

2. 8 Jan 2009 19:34


I second your opinion... I only wish I had more time in the day to play on here. Not enough hours in the day to go to work, take care of the dog, make dinner, look for jobs, research Master's programs, etc. and include TD.

3. 9 Jan 2009 04:11


obviously, I third (?) that !
.. but going back to the old forums of last year, I raised one here earlier - regarding the rating system they're using for Top 5 - which is on the same subject. My basic aim would be to nullify these 'blitzers', or use their votes to advantage the person they're attacking.

4. 9 Jan 2009 04:18


matt.. just on a slightly different tack.. your silhouette pic doesn't appear at all under 'most rated' (or anything else - that was the one I was really looking for in the December Top 5) - I actually thought that it was rather more aesthetically pleasing than your 2nd one on the theme (no disrespect, of course, to your wonderful figure !), which also didn't make it, because of the ranking system they applied.. so just wondered if you knew why ?

5. 9 Jan 2009 08:40


Yes I do know why Marg... The female silhouette has been censored and can only be found by viewing my personal page of pictures... If it were not censored you would find it in the top 10 of most voted on pics... Alas... I have failed my public... lol

6. 10 Jan 2009 09:36


Yeah, on the flip side I have been feeling guilty that my red-tailed hawk made top 5 - I think because I made it on new years eve and so no one had a chance to give it any bad marks. I mean, it's fine, but I am not sure it is top 5.

7. 10 Jan 2009 17:02


So, what's the deal with the "blitzers"? I've noticed on a few occassions, I've had someone give me a bad rating, but later on it would disappear and I would be back up at 5 stars. I've been wondering what's going on.

8. 10 Jan 2009 19:13


hello Candr,
it may looks like you're back at 5 stars as the average goes up, but you really aren't.
We as a group started noticing that one bad score wipes out your rankings in the gallery. This has been brought up in old forums that we improvised several times in the past but here's a quick explanation:
Say that you draw a wildly popular image that people love, a good example will be matthew's 'eye of the tiger'.
Now say that 150 people have all given you a perfect rating because they are amazed at your talent, your vision, or even your skill at manipulating Chrysanthemum petals.
If you looked at your rating, it would show your work as the most popular one out there.
Now say that I was jealous of your work because it was beating my ratings for my tremendous view of 'matthew wearing ruby slippers' .
I could go and give you a score of '1'
It might not seem like much of a change to your ratings but now you are bounced hundreds of places further down the chart.
Even drawings that have only gotten 1 vote, if that vote was a '5' rank hirgher than you. Basically it's a slap in the face.
We've all consoled each other about this and should be adult enough to know that the ratings don't matter, but in essence they always will.
Why do good work and accept that sort of disrespect?

ok I'm getting down from the soapbox

9. 10 Jan 2009 19:16


spelling corrections in my last post:
-s, -r

10. 11 Jan 2009 15:26


So funny, Baldur, that you corrected your typos in another post! I have a serious pet peeve for misspellings! Of course, that means that I must limit my internet activities or I would lose my mind!

11. 14 Jan 2009 03:44



I just cracked up at what you said (bet jmdx3mom did as well, envisioning matthew in the ruby slippers & tiger-skin accessories, half-way up the pole), but this makes at least 3 different places on this new forum site where we've discussed ratings !

Can we find one place for us all to discuss, or can you do a 'forum' pic, 'cause I haven't got time right now to check all the forum entries in all the forums !

12. 14 Jan 2009 09:32


...a "search" feature would sure help.
; >

13. 15 Jan 2009 05:56


I'm in for a vote on 'search feature'~It takes FOREVER sometimes when trying to find a particular artist!

14. 15 Jan 2009 07:23


I third the search feature... also, I didn't mean to steal your idea, Qsilv. I just suggested it in the feedback forum.

15. 15 Jan 2009 08:15


lol... steal away!

Fwiw- I keep an Excel cheat-sheet of "Dailies", things I need to attend to (or at least look at) each day, with extra little notes, and, most important, HYPERLINKS to online sites --banking, news, weather, email, ebay, games, blogs, youtube music etc etc ad absurdum ad nauseum....

Just click my way through each day, AND the clicked links change color so I know if I've done it.

These days it includes TD. Easy to put the profile URL of favorite folks there.

; >

16. 27 Jan 2009 01:10


i think it is an awsome idea and it would be really cool.

17. 1 Feb 2009 11:53


I noticed the one vote bandit was hitting a few of us but I didn't know this was wide spread. There is also the issue of jealous comments mixed with high praise, and the use of WE and OUR's when the word I should be used (boundary issues big time). Some wanted a way to send messages to each other. That's why I said as long as we were able to block someone as well.

18. 1 Feb 2009 11:57


The votes we get are nice but it isn't a big thing. I see no problem though giving a vote to our own picture. I mean if we don't feel good about our own picture who will.

I find the votes helpful because it helps me know what people think is good. It makes me want to grow and get better.

19. 2 Feb 2009 06:07


I think the 1 -5 vote is now pointless. It worked at first, until everything became so sensitive that few people wanted to give less than a 4. Now, with so many drawings in the heap, it's difficult to decide where anything should come in the pecking order. We all have our own likes and dislikes ... I am rarely drawn to patterns. Then there are people with their favourite artists ... and so it goes on. I have no idea what the alternative is, but I think the original voting system has outrun it's usefulness.

20. 2 Feb 2009 06:12


How about 'Most Viewed'?