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Hey guys... Just stopping by..

OVB is still around? Holy Munsters! Just do a like button and all is solved. Most likes wins. D'uh.

Throw in a star-system next to if it need be but dang. Keep it simple.

Ron out and smooches to all.


Linmar, I might also add that when the Top 5 and Showcase final scores are tallied, a formula is used that somehow combines the number of rates and number of faves that a picture has received. I don't think we know exactly what that formula is. Am I right other TDers?


thanks for the answers!


To simplify for linmar (if needed), if you like a picture and want to vote for it you simply click on the star, if you want to add it to your favorites you click on the heart. (You can do both if you like) As mdawrcn said, there's no longer any vote which would be considered 'negative'.


Also, it's nice of you to be concerned.