Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mother's memorial service & surprise guest...

1. 15 Aug 2009 17:04


The service was nice, and the flowers were beautiful... The # of names listed on the card was VERY moving... I wont name you all here so the anti-Matthew club wont associate you with the evil one... But I can't thank you enough for the love you have shown... Rest assured that love is returned...

I was also blessed to meet a young lady by the name of Lynn Potter that took the time to come out to the service & it touched my heart that she would do so... That love touched my wife to tears... Lynn, you are truely a blessing from God... Thank you...

I am with family right now, so wont stay on long, but will check in later tonight...

2. 15 Aug 2009 17:33


Do hope your mother is at peace. We all have or had mothers in our lives. Sure she was a wonderful person.
But, I beg your pardon, there is no anti-matthew club on this site. Yes, several are tired and hurt by your antics. So we choose to ignore your child like ways. But, you won't leave us alone, will you? You continue to agitate, use any excuse to get symphathy for votes, and when you get into a little trouble, you spin it, and just sit back, lol and enjoy the show.
The character you present on this site, does what he wants, whether it's in poor taste, or to get attention. Even these few comments, you will use to benefit, only YOU. So kindly stop separeting yourself, as you are just one of us.

3. 15 Aug 2009 18:16


I am ONE of a group... Not seperate... just me... I just don't see what you see... I appriciate the love given but I did not use my mother's death to promote sympathy...

Don't get me wrong, I DID seek out support from my peers here because I needed it... This circle of friends gave me a very needed outlet to work out my emotions...

I have never been anyone but myself... I am fun loving & generous... I don't hide behind a ThinkDrawUS name to attack peoples integrity with... Anytime I have something to say, I say it as Matthew... because I like who I am & like being me...

FYI: you are doing a very poor job of ignoring my child like ways... Please try harder...

4. 15 Aug 2009 19:10


Matthew, how awesome that lynnspotter could be there!

5. 15 Aug 2009 19:22


Glad you have internet Matthew! I have arrived home safely. Did get through the unfamiliar, curvy mountain roads before darkness was complete. It was a lovely tribute to your mother. Jeannie & Jessie & Joy are wonderful, along with the rest of your family! Luna, the flowers were very beautiful- whoever did them did a great job!! Hope all have a safe trip home tomorrow!

6. 15 Aug 2009 19:35


Thanks Lynn... I plan to let Joy drive us home...

7. 15 Aug 2009 19:38


Hope you get her a booster seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. 15 Aug 2009 19:45


Hmmm... Good point... Perhaps i will just let her work the pedals while I steer... I will nickname her Cruise Control...

9. 16 Aug 2009 02:03


Matthew, just draw, keep the pictures coming and know we are there for you or whoever else has problems on this site. Physically from afar but near in spirit.

10. 16 Aug 2009 05:58


Matthew, I am so glad the service went well. The memorial service is such a wonderful tradition to celebrate the love we have received and still wish to give to the one who has departed. It sets a marker between Then and Now and helps us move into a different Tomorrow.

11. 16 Aug 2009 06:00


lynnspotter - How gracious of you to attend the memorial service. You stood in for many who would have also been there if able.

12. 17 Aug 2009 08:59


Glad to hear of all the support you've received from family and that you know you can seek support here as well. There will always be people here that consider themselves your friends and we will be happy to offer you our support as well. Perhaps an anti-anti-matthew Club. (Though I rather think of it as a Pro-Think Draw Club as so many people on this site are ready to stand up for so many others in their times of need)