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Glad to hear of all the support you've received from family and that you know you can seek support here as well. There will always be people here that consider themselves your friends and we will be happy to offer you our support as well. Perhaps an anti-anti-matthew Club. (Though I rather think of it as a Pro-Think Draw Club as so many people on this site are ready to stand up for so many others in their times of need)


lynnspotter - How gracious of you to attend the memorial service. You stood in for many who would have also been there if able.


Matthew, I am so glad the service went well. The memorial service is such a wonderful tradition to celebrate the love we have received and still wish to give to the one who has departed. It sets a marker between Then and Now and helps us move into a different Tomorrow.


Matthew, just draw, keep the pictures coming and know we are there for you or whoever else has problems on this site. Physically from afar but near in spirit.


Hmmm... Good point... Perhaps i will just let her work the pedals while I steer... I will nickname her Cruise Control...