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1. 8 Aug 2009 22:46


Folks... Some of us can really, really write.

I know my own weaknesses: Lack of Characters, Never a Love Interest, Flat Dialogue, Stacatto sentences.

But I have some strengths too: Good ideas, humor at times, twisty endings, looking through strange viewpoints.

I'm looking to collaborate with one (or maybe two) of you on an actual, real project.

Right now I'm leaning to Midnight as we share a really strange sense of storytelling. Our stuff is dramatically different but there is a similarity there which makes me think I knew her in a previous life.

RobinCR8l also jives with my stuff at times. She at least takes the ball (whatever the ball is) and runs with.

I've got a few ideas about novella/book length projects and am looking for (not an assistant) but a co-author in a free-wheeling exchange of ideas, writing styles, characters, etc... No one would be in charge of this. (If you know SciFi I would base it Niven and Pournelle's relationship.)

2. 8 Aug 2009 23:07


I have several ideas:

Emperor Sam: This is Harry Potter in Space but is way, way bigger than magic, unicorns and dragons. This is about a young boy who accidentily get's transported to the center of galactic politics. As a representative of a sentient race he actually gets a seat in the senate. By the vaguaries of the 8-yr cycle of rotation the senate president comes to him and via him - Earth. I've actually got a chapter written on this one if anyone's interested.

Shep 63: (I grew up on SciFi but am not married to it.) This is an idea of far-star colonization. Settlers travel in-stasis four decades to colonize new worlds. The great ship are run by "shepards" who are called "sheps" for short. Each 30 years a shepard clones himself. But one shepard comes along who does not want to be a cog in this machine and murders his predessescor. That would be Shep 62. But Shep 63 is still a kid and learns of the Shep 61's devious plans. He takes over the computers but not the ship. He "wakes" the baddest ass on the ship - a mid-level soldier. The two of them must defeat Shep 61 and get the colonists to their new world.

My own autobiography - an honest one: I've found I cannot write it. I can tell it - but not write it.

Magistrates of Magnitude: This is based on a fairly new idea in science. The crux is that you can know everything there is to know about a brick and still not understand a sky-scraper. The underlying theme is called "Emergence" and it deals with up-scaling level of complexity.

Bingo and Resthomes - A History of America: And idea based on old ladies and their personal stories. A quirky look at American history through the smoke-filled eyes of bongo players, slot-machine players and withered women sitting in rollers in the halls of rest-homes.

And I've got 800 or so others.

Initially I'm looking for anyone who can actually write who might be willing to explore any of these ideas (or provide others) to work on a basic outline or treatment.

This would be done outside TD. (Too slow) via e-mail and phone. Weaknesses and strengths would be put right up front. Critical review would be brutal. Whole days work might simply be redlined and forgotten.

But the idea is this.

I KNOW I can write. But I am so god-damned weak in so many areas. And I see some of those areas flushed out by some of you.

I want to write something worthy of submission for publication. Actual publication would be grand but the goal is simply to be good enough to send in. We'll get drunk and cry over the rejections later.



3. 9 Aug 2009 06:12


Ron, I love this idea, and have to say, I'm flattered to even be considered. I used to write faithfully, and even in nursing school, took creative writing as an elective because I loved it. (I aced it, too!) But I don't feel like any of the writing I've done on ThinkWrite truly shows my skills or imagination, because I'm so out of practice. I learned a long time ago that to be good at writing, and to stay good at writing, you have to write. Every day. And I just don't seem to find the time, or make the time, or whatever anymore. It's one little part of me that I miss, that I feel I've sacrificed for parenthood. (Trust me, though, parenthood is worth the sacrifice!) So although I am intrigued and would love to participate in something like this, I worry that I lack the commitment it would take to be successful.

I have no knowledge, and really little interest in sci-fi or fantasy, so I couldn't help much with those story lines. My little brain doesn't quite have what it takes to dream up whole new life forms and make up whole new words for things. (I've always envied Dr.Seuss's ability to just come up with the perfect name for something...totally made-up words that fit perfectly! How do people DO that??) But Bingo and Rest homes, or autobiographies...right up my alley! I also have this idea roaming around my head for a few years. Totally undeveloped, but I think sort of interesting. I'll tell you about it someday.

Anyway, I'd love to be involved, but wanted to be honest about my limitations. Don't know if you need someone who can only commit to a little time here and there. But if you do, I'm in.

4. 9 Aug 2009 07:22


Ron: I don't get drunk anymore (one year sober 9/11), but the idea is imaginative and intriguing. I've written since I was a kid, keeping journals and writing the great novel many times over as a teen and in college. Used to be a voracious reader too. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I now have two sons with CF and that kind of threw my mind for a loop. In addition to that it seems (according to psychiatric personell lol) that the alcohol I so readily ingested in mass quantities for 30 some years was medicating a few real chemical brain issues. So with both of these I have just now started to write again thru this forum. I work 50 hours a week easy and this is my "mind control quiet time" of the day. I'll help with any specific need you have if you develop this any further if you are interested in the help.


5. 9 Aug 2009 08:19


Ron, what a great idea, and I'll echo what Robin said: I'm flattered to even be considered.

I love the ideas you've tossed out, and I have several myself that have been tossing around in my head for years.

Truthfully, I've been looking for someone to co-author a book with me for years. I have time on my hands, as I'm a stay-at-home mom, and I would love to do this with you.

If you're really interested in letting me in on this, my e-mail is

6. 9 Aug 2009 19:19


Ron, I might add that I'm a terrific proofreader. So that might be an option to just roll things my way for proofreading and constructive criticism. But I will also understand if you just need someone with more commitment to offer in all areas, so I'll leave it to you. Thanks again, Robin

7. 9 Aug 2009 19:22


My writing is crap, I spell like chit & I really don't care to read much...

...So I am here 4 U if U need me...

8. 9 Aug 2009 19:39


Will we get to see your progress here? Hope so!

9. 9 Aug 2009 20:29


Midnight: So sorry again about your grandma. I want to hear your ideas, e-mail me anything.

I'm not looking to start a project - just explore ideas and do a one or two page treatement (characters, basic plot, goals, twists, turns, etc...)

I am NOT married to any of my ideas.

And I am not trying to write the Great American Novel (smiles in Doug's general direction). That's been my problem with "big" projects my whole life. I've read so much GREAT stuff in my life that any idea I come up with just simply pales in comparison. But I've aged enough to realize that everything doesn't need to be great - just good.

So I'm fishing here. My "very" literate friends cannot write - not one of them (life's funny that way isn't it?) and my really interesting friends are dis-interested. My father is the funniest person I know (in a Garrison Keiler kind of way) and his e-mails and notes from our past are all spontaneous, literate, wise and funny as hell. And he has absolutely no interest whatsoever in writing anything for anyone other than his e-mail list.

Robin: I've learned some strange truth which I rejected in high school and even college. Writing is one fourth creative genius and three fourths editing. If you are volunterring to be an editor on this project then you're in - period. But keep in mind - I don't know what (or even if there is) a project this will be.

Midnight: I'm gonna dig some stuff up and send it to you.

I'm a huge sci-fi fan but in no way suggest we go that route. My three best ideas for scifi throughout my life have been done (The Matrix, Harry Potter and a Twilight Zone episode called "The Ship")

I have a really clever idea for a kids series of books called "Watch Children" inspired by a road sign in a friend's neighborhood. The idea is absurd but funny - a world of time-pieces. Dad's a stop watch. Mom's a kitchen timer. Grandad is a Grandfather clock. Grandma is an egg timer. Rich grandad is a pocket watch (gold, of course), crazy Aunt Sally is a cuckoo clock. The baby twins are Tick and Tock, the protaganist is a Mickey Mouse watch. The older teen sister is a Swatch Watch who is dating (to Dad's chagrin) a digital watch. Dad's biggest threat to bad behaviour is the threat (Don't make me wind you!") Their world is threatened by the atomic clock (the evil nemesis) and Daylight savings time is a twice-a-year fiasco. They all live in Timeville and the biggest problem in the protaginist's young life is having one hand bigger than the other.

So you see - I can go in any direction whatsoever.

But a collaboration means absolute honesty. Honesty without judgement or recrimination.

I'm no fan of fantasy. But if you give me a workable idea like Lord of the Rings, Sword of Shanara or White Gold Wielder or even Nine Princes in Amber - I'll entertain it. But Pochohontis meets King Arthur in a field of Unicorns. I'm just gonna veto it. Brutally. And I expect the same in return.

And I am now officially rambling.

I'll try to find, on my various computers - some of the stuff I've written (most of it is Emporor Sam and the Shep series)

In the meantime - send me your own stuff.

Let's see.

And to whoever asked. If progress is made and the product is worthy - absolutely - we'll share it here.

Feedback is always nice


10. 10 Aug 2009 01:15


Yes, Ron, I'm pretty good at editing. I have a rule... only one adjective per noun! LOL (J/K) But I have a good eye for simple spelling and punctuation errors. And part of what I have like about thinkwrite is training myself to be more succinct in getting a point across. I need to start practicing it in my everyday speech now! LOL You've got my email, so keep me in the loop. Robin