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Yes, Ron, I'm pretty good at editing. I have a rule... only one adjective per noun! LOL (J/K) But I have a good eye for simple spelling and punctuation errors. And part of what I have like about thinkwrite is training myself to be more succinct in getting a point across. I need to start practicing it in my everyday speech now! LOL You've got my email, so keep me in the loop. Robin


Midnight: So sorry again about your grandma. I want to hear your ideas, e-mail me anything.

I'm not looking to start a project - just explore ideas and do a one or two page treatement (characters, basic plot, goals, twists, turns, etc...)

I am NOT married to any of my ideas.

And I am not trying to write the Great American Novel (smiles in Doug's general direction). That's been my problem with "big" projects my whole life. I've read so much GREAT stuff in my life that any idea I come up with just simply pales in comparison. But I've aged enough to realize that everything doesn't need to be great - just good.

So I'm fishing here. My "very" literate friends cannot write - not one of them (life's funny that way isn't it?) and my really interesting friends are dis-interested. My father is the funniest person I know (in a Garrison Keiler kind of way) and his e-mails and notes from our past are all spontaneous, literate, wise and funny as hell. And he has absolutely no interest whatsoever in writing anything for anyone other than his e-mail list.

Robin: I've learned some strange truth which I rejected in high school and even college. Writing is one fourth creative genius and three fourths editing. If you are volunterring to be an editor on this project then you're in - period. But keep in mind - I don't know what (or even if there is) a project this will be.

Midnight: I'm gonna dig some stuff up and send it to you.

I'm a huge sci-fi fan but in no way suggest we go that route. My three best ideas for scifi throughout my life have been done (The Matrix, Harry Potter and a Twilight Zone episode called "The Ship")

I have a really clever idea for a kids series of books called "Watch Children" inspired by a road sign in a friend's neighborhood. The idea is absurd but funny - a world of time-pieces. Dad's a stop watch. Mom's a kitchen timer. Grandad is a Grandfather clock. Grandma is an egg timer. Rich grandad is a pocket watch (gold, of course), crazy Aunt Sally is a cuckoo clock. The baby twins are Tick and Tock, the protaganist is a Mickey Mouse watch. The older teen sister is a Swatch Watch who is dating (to Dad's chagrin) a digital watch. Dad's biggest threat to bad behaviour is the threat (Don't make me wind you!") Their world is threatened by the atomic clock (the evil nemesis) and Daylight savings time is a twice-a-year fiasco. They all live in Timeville and the biggest problem in the protaginist's young life is having one hand bigger than the other.

So you see - I can go in any direction whatsoever.

But a collaboration means absolute honesty. Honesty without judgement or recrimination.

I'm no fan of fantasy. But if you give me a workable idea like Lord of the Rings, Sword of Shanara or White Gold Wielder or even Nine Princes in Amber - I'll entertain it. But Pochohontis meets King Arthur in a field of Unicorns. I'm just gonna veto it. Brutally. And I expect the same in return.

And I am now officially rambling.

I'll try to find, on my various computers - some of the stuff I've written (most of it is Emporor Sam and the Shep series)

In the meantime - send me your own stuff.

Let's see.

And to whoever asked. If progress is made and the product is worthy - absolutely - we'll share it here.

Feedback is always nice



Will we get to see your progress here? Hope so!


My writing is crap, I spell like chit & I really don't care to read much...

...So I am here 4 U if U need me...


Ron, I might add that I'm a terrific proofreader. So that might be an option to just roll things my way for proofreading and constructive criticism. But I will also understand if you just need someone with more commitment to offer in all areas, so I'll leave it to you. Thanks again, Robin