Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XXIII- Animation

1. 6 Aug 2009 09:40


Once again thanks Marius, it is an honor. I thought I would get all of us TDers to play with our new toy. ANIMATIOM! All new "art" made from now until Saturday August 15th will be accepted. The animation must be true animation and not just showing how you made your famous "mona lisa" drawing. If you have questions feel free to ask, but I only get on usually in the a.m. to wind down after work. Good luck!

2. 6 Aug 2009 09:41



3. 6 Aug 2009 10:22


I love this one Doug... I hope to squeeze one in... I have finally been getting a little free time lately, but my mom is touch & go...

4. 6 Aug 2009 11:38


Whoooo Hoooo... I am 1st... This one is kinda cute...

5. 6 Aug 2009 14:11


ok, this is kinda short, but i didn't know what to do-

6. 6 Aug 2009 14:51


Indian Attack...

7. 6 Aug 2009 15:07


I deleted the last pic because I pissed someone off due to my title... Due to my indian heritage, the title was the 1st thing that popped into my head... Must everyone see race 1st??? I have never prejudged ANYONE because of race or skin tone... I thought racism was something you read about in history books... Met my 1st racist when I was 17 & was shocked by it... Race just never crosses my mind...

8. 6 Aug 2009 16:07


Wait for the end to see the animation....

9. 6 Aug 2009 18:55


There once was a man who went fishing.
For the big one he always was wishing.
His line gave a jerk,
He then heard a burp!
And now he is among the missing!

(Sorry, my poetry is about as good as my animation! LOL)

10. 6 Aug 2009 19:19


Don't say I didn't try.

11. 6 Aug 2009 20:29


I saw the comments on your picture and I hate that someone felt that way about it. I also hate the way it turned into a personal attack against you. I didnt find anything racist about it, I found it amusing, like the old B W John Wayne cowboys and indians movies I use to watch as a young girl. Im really shocked at these comments so much more than the art Ive seen.

12. 6 Aug 2009 20:48


13. 6 Aug 2009 21:44


14. 6 Aug 2009 22:16


This dinosaur computer at work doesn't allow me to see all the animations submitted so far. I'll give some feedback Friday a.m. (Go to bed hon').

15. 6 Aug 2009 23:23


16. 7 Aug 2009 06:52


Not quite as easy as everyone thought huh? So far it looks like all of the ones posted so far are doing fairly well on votes from the general TD audience. You all have great imaginations.

Marius: Love the two flower animations.
Luna: As always, your art is great and I liked the angel at the end.
Arw65: Great animation with wheels spinning, lights on, and yes it looks like a meteor comes crashing into the car. Loved it!
Robin: Hilarious. There must be a lot of people in Ohio cause I keep seeing their "plates" here in the "burgh".
-liked the march up to the altar.
and finally Matthew, the ever picked on, get that animation back and post it here. Even if it is offensive, let your peers jeer it here. I'm the deciding judge on this thread!

Sorry this is so sloppy, but work has been rough. And no, KStanley is not eligible to win and I'm sure you all know why. But I did love her art and the animation. We'd love to live somewhere like that one day!

17. 7 Aug 2009 06:54


Keep em' coming. I see maybe 2 or 3 top 5's coming out of this thread. Wanna bet? My wife's "me burning down the house" was the first animation to make the Top 5.

18. 7 Aug 2009 08:45


Just for fun...

19. 7 Aug 2009 16:00


In memory...

20. 7 Aug 2009 17:40


For Matthew: Another view on your Indian pic.
Didn't see your pic or comments that caused you to remove it, but asked my Cherokee friend if he was offended by that title or knew any Indians who might be. He is a leader in the area Indian community and knows many Native people. His first response was that Native people are proud of their participation in wars (the ones to protect themselves and the ones to protect this country) and that the title seemed was fine with him. Then he said, "Was it white people complaining? Cause no Indian I know would get upset about something like that ... unless the picture was disrespectful of Indians as a people."