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I nearly forgot to check this tonight... Thank you doug... & a special thanks to Luna for not getting the changing seasons in on time... lol That was a winner for sure...

I didn't think I was in the running here, though this challenge was most certainly a ton of fun... Give me till tomorrow night to come up with the next challenge as i am going to sleep now so I can drive home tomorrow in time to make it to church @ 4...

Don't know how I will top this challenge... Oh the pressure is on...


Luna: I already commented on this animation in the "gallery". This is beautiful and a great animation. I loved it!!


Oh well, too late.....


Good Morining Mugdots animators. It over. There has been some great stuff come out of this thread and as I said before I wouldn't be surprised to see at least one or maybe several of these "animated artworks" make it into the TOP 5. It was also nice to see a lot of new faces and you did terrific work. Coho and bigfoot, Peyton with a fabulous ever changing screens and many more. The two that impressed me the most were Robin and Matthew. Robin, your animation stories were fantastic and that is what I was looking for. But, Matthew, what can I say, from the wedding march to the "first ever" that I know of, human form walking accross the screen. And of course the angel ascension and the "night" animation. You got the stories, a bit of humor, and broke new ground in our slowly evolving "animation" toy on ThinkDraw. So are the torchbearer for the next Mugdots Challenge. I wish you luck. If you are unable to fulfill your duties (lol) let me know. Thanks again to Marius for giving me this opportunity and have a great day fellow TDers. I hope you had fun!!!


Just to show that I often have no clue what I'm doing... this one's silly, it's old, and it never "coulda been a contender" anyway.

The stuff you guys are doing is fabulous fun!