Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Pick your own top 5!

1. 1 Jul 2009 09:56


Time again to pick our own favorites for top 5 (just for fun) You don't have to pick five in each category; that would take forever.

Here are mine:

Puerto Rican Yola (Fishing Boat)
by inked_gemini


sometimes you are just cranky

and my "Horse with no Name"

The Pied Piper
by Robindcr8l

Traffic light

and my moon light and city lights

Breakfast at Tiffany's
by marius

2. 1 Jul 2009 11:29


Tied for first place in Animals:
Twilight Journey by Login

3. 1 Jul 2009 12:49


Oh, and marg's Room of mirrors in gothic:

Feel free to join in....where is everybody??

4. 1 Jul 2009 13:33


These are my top 5:



5. 1 Jul 2009 14:05


I think Luna meant you were to at least consider putting someone else in "your" Top 5! lol!

6. 1 Jul 2009 14:26


I like your pics Luna... I just can't pic this month... I couldn't look at all the pics so wouldn't be a fair assesment...

7. 1 Jul 2009 14:54


I'll put my own in if I choose. Others do the same. Don't like, don't look! Don't start anything either, not in the mood! Others don't hesitate to put what they want I'll put what I want. Yes, I can read. I know what she said!

8. 1 Jul 2009 15:05



9. 1 Jul 2009 15:06


you'll get ouch, you a** h**. I've had with you all!

10. 1 Jul 2009 15:23


Play nice...this is just for fun.

11. 1 Jul 2009 15:24


I'm having fun!

12. 1 Jul 2009 15:30


I knew that.

13. 1 Jul 2009 15:55


Ignorance is bliss! I have read this forum now about 6 or 7 times. Luna started out with her Top 5, including some of her own work, which made eight. Then proceeded to add two more threads of choices, which makes ten.

kmkagle creates a thread and adds her choices. Only to have Iamnumnuts come on and tell kmkagle she (luna) meant to name other artist for the Top 5. Ending with LOL!
So, I guess it's Ok for some to name themselves, but not others? Also, Iamnumnuts, did you ever think that maybe kmkagle wasn't finished? That, as luna, she maybe was going to start another thread to add on the rest of her favorites?

I believe you and luna owe kmkagle an apology. After all she was just posting, you insulted her, then you were having fun, and luna responded, "play nice... this is just for fun." You seem to enjoy hurting others for your own pleasures! Shame on you!

14. 1 Jul 2009 16:11


Faces by a4e4ka

Flowers by marius
and by Angela

Fruit by polenta

Avatars by Arw65

Gothic by Arw65

Candy by bugaboo

by kyung

and by LadyO

Animals by inked_gemini

and by marius

and so many more!

15. 1 Jul 2009 16:34


Well lilalee, Luna has a sense of humour and recognised my teasing of kmkagle for what it was. She had afterall, put herself into every Top 5 category!
Secondly I cannot predict the future.
Thirdly, I never apologise to those who swear at me.
(You'll notice that I spelt your name correctly).

16. 1 Jul 2009 16:39


Oops! - every + a large portion of the Top 5 categories.

17. 1 Jul 2009 16:52


Kmkagle has a wonderful sense of humor, and a high tolerence for insults, you of all know what she has gone through here, and I think enough is enough!
This site brings joy and entertainment for many who are homebound. You have no idea what some go through everyday. If kmkagle puts herself in every Top 5, so what? The title is "Pick your own top 5!" Others do the same, and is that funny to you also?
If you were teasing kmkagle, then why tell me, and not her? She has been hurt deeply on this site, and I feel it's time for some to back off, and let her enjoy the site.

18. 1 Jul 2009 19:32


I am not starting the argument of who is who... or who has done what but the is almost getting ridiculous.

I have noticed from day one that there is a clique- styled group here that can do and say what they want and feel, They can play games, Make mean comments and insinuation, dedicate insults to people or peoples work, draw border-line offensive material, or whatever else they feel. They ask for comment, suggestion but then disagree with people's answers.

One's opinion is one's opinion which goes for all of the above mentioned.

I understand that with freedom of speech, religion, expression, and so forth that people are going to have difference of opinions and thoughts, but Does that make your opion better than other? Is your opinion right if people seem to agree? Is you opion wrong if other don't agree?

I thought this was a site to rate and share art work. I thought that the general consensus in the art world is tolerance, peace, and love.
There is very little of that here!!!

I have personally stopped coming into the forum and not joining in the request because of the controversies. I just go one about my own business and draw for my own relaxation and enjoyment. I hope others enjoy what I do and know one finds what I have done offensive it anyway. If my work has offend anyone or any comments that I have made offeneds anyone PLEASE tell me. I would never purposely intend to hurt others for my own personal gain and if I have made remarks or picture that are offensive...TELL ME. I will either explain my point of view or remove what is considered offensive. I have no intention of leaving this sight or recommending any one else to do so either, but I think there are a lot of people who need to learn to play fair.

If you want to play with people you know. If you want to make remarks about work PLEASE feel free. Don't act childish and say it behind someone's back. Be an adult with a backbone and stand your ground....or remember what your mother told you as a child "IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY...SAY NOTHING AT ALL!!!"

So I can clear my mind...There have been many things that I have seen come and go that has been offensive...I have seen random pictures of private parts, sexually suggestive material, comments including language that is later removed, and so forth. I have a 9 year old child that enjoys this sight. I know this is others art work and maybe in there opinion this is acceptable but is there a way to put these type of picture in a seperate category so that we don't subject children to them... Matthew no offense I don't know you, have never met you, and have no intensions of meeting you or your family and friends but you have seemingly been in the middle of many of these problems. You have been quiet for a whole month and suddenly the controvery start up and you are back. You did start a lot of headaches with the "1" vote bandit. You though it was cute and would be funny but not all were in on the punch line. For those who don't know you or your sense of humor it could be considered unsettling. I don't think you are doing these things any longer but once that trust is broken or that image was placed it is difficult from sepreating the truth. You are a great artist and I have backed you before I wish you could draw a line in the sand and start over. Many people will always question you for motives and I think you will understand WHY...Baldur I love you sense of humor but I will admit that I have caught my son in the form looking for idea for his next "GREAT pic and I was alarmed at the content of RADIO BALDUR I now know not to leave him go in there. I just tell him to draw what he feels.
AHHH...Now that I have been completely honest I feel much better. I did it in an adult manner and if anyone disagrees with my comments please address me personally. I do feel the way that I just expressed myself and I am not sure if other agree but that is how I feel. I manage the situation in the way that best suits me and my family. Hopefully others with do likewise.

19. 1 Jul 2009 19:50


This IS ridiculous.

Beyond ridiculous.

There seem to be people with targets on them around here, who get attacked for no reason other than people wanting to point a finger at someone.

KStanley, while that post was very nicely stated, I must ask: what does matthew have to do with all this? All that drama is long over, and he never did anything wrong besides display his slightly twisted sense of humor.

This is about someone flipping out over a joke, and matthew is in no way involved, so why bring it up? That's just asking for more trouble to be started. You said that if any comments you make offend anyone to please tell you, so here it is: Bringing up a person who is not involved in something, for the sake of making a point is just rude and wrong.

And no, I'm not just posting this because matthew is my dad. If it were anyone being singled out in that unnecessary way, I'd say something. It was uncalled for.

20. 1 Jul 2009 19:50


but I also want to agree with Lilalee.
I know Kmkagel personally and must say she does have a wonderful sense of humor, a high tolerance of insult, is a really talented artist, and a compassionate person. I could tell you a thousand example of her kindness.
I feel that Kmkagel has been picked on, and put down repetitively for her views. Kmkagel is intitled to her opinions. Kmkagel take this site seriously and truely enjoys sharing art and reviewing art here.
Kmkagel has also had the guts to say what many are thinking about the stuff that happens here because she is so dedicated to art and this site that "I feel" many people are now negative towards her and her work.
In the past several months I have seen many great piece of art work come from Kmkagel and many others that have been either voted down or pushed aside.
It is has to be frustrating and infuriating when you care about doing and sharing so much to have this type of manipulations happening. Think about some of the work you yourself have done. Something that you have worked on extensively with pride and joy then have people ridicule, manipulate, or push it aside to focus attention on something else.
When you truely care about what you are doing who would not be upset? How many times can it happen before you say something? And if you say something should you be the person that is being punished?
I am proud to say that I am glad Kmkagel has been strong enough to say something for herself and others that have fallen victim to all of the nonsense also.
I can only wish Kmkagel continues to tolerate the abuse that is direct towards her, keep her head held high and do what she does best. Keep drawing and imagining. You have wonderful idea and a great way of showing it.