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I love a bit of drama.


See lilalee, once again I find out I only know parts of a story - which means I know nothing! (big smile here). It's hard when you apologize and it isn't received. Sorry that happened, but, glad you're still here! I think you give every new-comer a boost - and it means a lot to them, I can verify that! It's not just your comments that encourages - your art talent comes through with ideas of fun, play, happiness, hope and love. Thanks for that too!!! : )


marius, the person who was going to leave over the LOL comment is Ria90, and yes she is still here. The person who made the comment , waterlily, has left the site blaming me, for her/his displeasure. I did apologize to her/him twice, but he/she stated, at this time it was not a enviroment he/she wish to be in for the moment.
I could say more, but there is already too much drama here!!


Two clarificatioins:
1. zoyi did not have any pictures to delete! I checked that out the minute I saw weird advertising from zoyi for cheap watches. Then discovered that zoyi had hit tons of forum "threads" (what are they called? topics, threads?). Since I was not impressed with zoyi's "artistic selling," figured TD would not be impressed either. Seems they weren't. : )

2. person with confusion over meaning of lol has not deleted a single picture. She is still here.

So - I'm guessing all is well. Happy 4th to all, happy drawing and sweet dreams!


Odd, it seemed resolved at the time it happened, and the confusion over "lol" clearly was a language miscommunication. Sorry to see Waterlily gone. Doesn't change the fact that you'll never get away from the negative baggage associated with the IAM multi-ID.