Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge XVV-Special Moments in Your Life

1. 30 Jun 2009 16:36


Thank you lilalee.

I challenge you to depict a picture of a favorite moment in your life. It could be something that made you laugh, smile, cry for happy. I'm sure there's a moment or a thing that is/was special to you. The challenge will start on July 1, 2009 at 12:00 A.M. and end on July 13, 2009 at 7:00 P.M.

I hope you'll all joint in for these special moments, I look forward to seeing some wonderful drawings. Thank you.

2. 30 Jun 2009 16:43


I need to add, this must be a new submittal.

3. 30 Jun 2009 16:56


One of my special moments was My Engagement

4. 30 Jun 2009 17:47


It started 36 years ago...

5. 30 Jun 2009 18:42


My Baby Bump!

6. 30 Jun 2009 20:13


Every Moment With Pete (Petey)

He was a very good boy, a Staffordshire Terrier, lived 16 years. Certainly the love of my life.

7. 1 Jul 2009 07:32


Buying our first and only house! I would have liked to draw our real house, but it was too difficult!!

8. 1 Jul 2009 08:24


Km: I'm kinda confused. Can the special moment that you experienced be something that changed your life even if it is a "little" on the dark side? I promise no ghosties on this one. I know you have the straight jacket at hand. lol.

9. 1 Jul 2009 12:02


Doug, a happy moment, like your marriage, the birth of your children, not your dreams. Something that brought you joy.

10. 1 Jul 2009 19:00


Our first vacation out west!!

11. 1 Jul 2009 19:55


This is the joy I felt when I first joined TD - LOL

Not any more!

12. 1 Jul 2009 23:04

Qsilv, I'd love to contribute to this thread you've started. When I find time to draw a bit again (soon, I hope) I intend to contribute a picture or two here.
Meanwhile, please accept this quote that I only partially remembered on my own, but I find such personal comfort in it that I looked it up on the 'net --turns out it seems to be attributed to Mother Theresa, an interesting (and delightfully hard-headed) woman!

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and joy, some may be jealous. Be joyful anyway.

The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

13. 2 Jul 2009 01:31


Wow, Qsilv, that sure does put it ALL in perspective, huh?

No excuses!

And everything we do, think, say; good, bad or ugly really is between God and ourselves.

I know of people who have lost faith in their "higher power" over the slightest thing, and sure some major things too. When it's something someone said or did that made you feel slighted that turns you away from your faith, how strong was it in the first place?

I believe it was Paul who said something along the line of "No one can separate us from the love of our God, only we ourselves" and further on he spoke of the large shield of faith in amongst the rest of our spiritual armor. Did you know back in the 1st century every soldier was responsible for his own armors maintenance? What I found really interesting was that he built and repaired his own shield (the other pieces would have been from the army he was in) so if his shield failed him it was because he failed it.

We all have to have that faith and maintain it, build it up, and let nothing ever come between God’s love and us.

Now I’m done preaching, sorry all;-)

14. 2 Jul 2009 06:34


well, I recognize that anger can be built into a shield of sorts. Special moments in my life that I'm not sure how to show in a TD drawing/collage might include those when I realized things like that.

But kmkagle has requested "special" in a more celebratory vein, I think... and I have a couple clear ideas for that theme!

km, much appreciation for offering us the nudge to think along such lines. In my case, especially, it was a timely gift. Thank you.

15. 2 Jul 2009 07:00


KM.. what a lovely idea !

I'm really sorry that I don't think I'll be able to contribute between now and the closing date, 'cause I only saw this thread right now.. but it's made me think of so many happy occasions that I thank you !

When I get a chance, I'd like to add my own contribution (belatedly, and outside of the challenge), but in the meantime, I look forward to seeing everyone else's pictures in a month or so.

.. and I just loved your quote, Qsilv.. that's made me think, too !

16. 2 Jul 2009 08:48


Km: Here's my entry. Although I have a lot of "special" memories, we're having one right now as a matter of fact (not a good one). Here is a brief list of my special memories since you got your picture. If i might digress..

-the birth of all four of my kids
-the road trips kat and I used to take B.K (before kids)
-the camping trips in the tent up in Shelocta.
-the day I quit drinking.
-bringing home Alex from the hospital and changing his offical address to ours instead of Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh
-taking patch out on motorcycle rides.-
-sitting in the middle of the woods up at the "farm" on my bucket with a Winchester laying accross my lap. It clears your mind to hear the birds, squirrels, and the wind blowing threw the trees, and of course when you can hear a deer snap a little branch or coming thru the leaves.
-there are many more and hopefully the boys stay healthy and I can quit working so much so "we all" can have more special memories. OK?_

17. 2 Jul 2009 08:58


Km, I am really looking forward to this! i don't have the time right now but am definitely going to sit down and show you some special moments in my life.
This is a really great idea for a subject. I can't wait

18. 2 Jul 2009 09:18


I'm glad you are and plan to share your special moments. We don't always get the chance. Thanks for joing!

19. 2 Jul 2009 09:18


corr. - Thanks for joining!

20. 2 Jul 2009 11:17


A Happy Moments - Friends