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I love happy endings ... delightful drawing, Robin.


My cat "Brat" was missing for 3 days. My son Jake found him yesterday!!


BTW - another happy moment is letting this thread go on so more can share! Thank you login, you're cool!


nodnod...! It's a particularly wonderful theme, worthy of continuing long after the "mugdots challenge" aspect has passed to its next phase.

Keeping it in this same thread rather than starting a new one encourages us (well, me anyway!) to read back now and then, savouring others' delicious moments.

And, km, I agree -- those 'little things' count big!



I may have confused the issue by suggesting we let this thread 'run on'. What I should have asked was: 'May this thread continue, even though the honor has been passed on and a new Mugdots Challenge has commenced?' It would be closed as far as the challenge is concerned, but it was such a good thread, it would be so nice to see more contributions, ad infinitum.