Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Showcase suggestion - Dreams

1. 22 Jun 2009 05:15


(smiles) Polenta did a rather tongue-in-cheek one a couple days ago.

I'm suggesting Dreams as one of TD's Showcases, so it could elicit a wide swath of imaginative interpretations from more than just the Forum followers.

2. 22 Jun 2009 05:54


Great idea! What fun...

3. 22 Jun 2009 08:10


Great artists think alike. Yes, Luna. Yes, Qsilv.... your pics will be TERRIFIC!!!
But be careful............
There is a TDer who is a direct descendent of biblical Joseph.
Another is a great grandchild of Sigmund Freud's.
Myself, I have direct spiritual connection with Salvador Dalí....
and Baldur must have connection with the interpretation of thongs and bears and all the like. Baldur, I'm counting on your sense of humor!!!!

4. 22 Jun 2009 09:24


Qsilv: I think that is a fabulous idea!!! Isn't it funny. Right before i came to take a gander at the "forums" i just finished a picture titled Sweet Dreams!!!!. If you've ever followed my work it tends to be dark and definately would rate in the nightmare category. Lets see if i can get this pik to come over here in the next "reply"

5. 22 Jun 2009 09:26


How about this!!!

6. 22 Jun 2009 14:41


Doug! (laughing...) I love it... but even more do I love that vision of God, nearby... um, something about the sad eyes with a clown's nose... (which may be safer to say here than under the pic itself...) ;>

7. 23 Jun 2009 13:56


Maybe this is where I post my idea...hmmmm... how about a "playbacks only" theme?

8. 24 Jun 2009 03:04


Q: I don't know about the "clown nose", I am still an unpolished artist, nothing of the quality of your work. It was a challenge from a co-worker who i introduced to TD. I hope he can enjoy the "madness" this site brings as much as i do. lol. I'll keep working on my "noses" I work nights and don't have many days off so i spend an hour or so during my "wind down" time creating something out of nothing so to speak. Yes i love the evil, wicked, scary but would love to create the beautiful faces, etc. but alas i don't have it together yet. I'll work on it. I like the dreams idea for a showcase and "animation" may be fun too. I'm sure you've done it before , but how about a nice evil pik for me. I think my sweet dreams is a masterpiece of scary even though the general voting populace disagrees. Consider it a challenge. Lets see what ya' got.


9. 24 Jun 2009 15:28


(smiling thoughtfully...)

Doug, I suppose you mean the scary dramatic type of evil that shows up in movies and children's nightmares? A titillating experience... oddly stirring... but not, perhaps, as sick-making as the evidence of true harm...

In the real world, evil is usually more situational than absolute...


10. 25 Jun 2009 05:05


Qsilv, love your dream idea! Bring on the dreams!

Your reply to Doug's challenge brings to mind Bruno Bettleheim's Beauty and the Beast as a story about one person who reconciles the beauty and beast within. : )

11. 25 Jun 2009 06:06


mmm... how do you portray inner tension two-dimensionally?
you can only hint at it, summon it up in the viewer's mind, and it's so dependent on what baggage the viewer brings...

m'self, I'm merely intrigued by what most people fear... or consider 'evil'

I'm fairly sure that if I were to honestly portray what *I* find most harmful/disruptive to life itself, to cultures at large, to individuals --whose feelings, in the end, may well be what matter most-- it would look boringly mild...

...or get censored for being, um, too graphic?

Perhaps a Showcase could explore 'Evil'...

or 'Fears'


12. 25 Jun 2009 07:11


umm.. can we keep it to the Forum 'Challenge' level.. ?

what you're suggesting here scares me ! - you end up with lots of pictures of human beings ..

13. 25 Jun 2009 07:15


... a Showcase could explore 'Evil' ... that sounds interseting. It could bring out a whole lot of unexpected thoughts.

14. 25 Jun 2009 07:16


Sorry marg, I was writing while you posted. Perhaps you're right ... a general forum could stir up all sorts of emotions.

15. 25 Jun 2009 07:17


I meant to say a Showcase could stir up a lot of emotions.

16. 25 Jun 2009 10:33


lol -- humans are the scariest, huh?

what about that earliest primeval fear of "the dark"?
or little kids' dread of "the bogeyman" (typically barely humanoid, more alien/animalistic)...

As a toddler who'd never been outdoors much less in the wild, I had a quite irrational reaction of repulsion to pictures of snakes, snails, slugs, worms... (but not fish or lizards... go figure...)

and what about fear of "heights"?

a white-knuckled "fear of flying" sells lots of alcohol to help relax folks...

Currently our culture's got a pretty morbid response to "germs" ("NO! Don't eat that! It touched the floor!! Here, let me wipe the counter/doorknobs/etc with Lysol...")

...we spend a lot of money protecting against some things that statistically are less likely to happen than others but have more drama attached...

do we get to count fear of fear itself?

(but how would we draw that?
oh... pff... right... we'd draw a person EXHIBITING the emotion... hmmm... ok, ok, marg's right! lol)

17. 28 Jun 2009 08:28


qsilv/marg: No lets make it a showcase. I've made 19 non-threatening, non-evil, no scary piks in a row. Life is scary and a dreams/ evil showcase would bring out a lot of emotions. So be it! I"ve stepped out of my restaurant to the smell of gunpowder with bullet casings lying at my feet. I've had a kid shot drive-by. Too many "real" world experiences to imagine. I've also got two kids at home with terminal illnesses (cf) and that scares the hell out of me! So I'm not challenging you, I'm challenging TD to make a showcase out of it! Take a look at "sweet dreams" in my gallery. Thats in your face evil. And i think I'm still waiting for that "I challenge you" pik, maybe i ought to check your gallery. I've been too busy making light bend and making gummy happy things, and oh don't forget liberace's piano. lol. Have a great day guys!!!

18. 28 Jun 2009 09:46


Nightmare for Doug:

19. 28 Jun 2009 11:51


I agree with login, a showcase would stir up too many memories.

20. 28 Jun 2009 12:07
