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Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Showcase suggestion - Dreams

21. 28 Jun 2009 20:00


I don't know how dreams and/or a dream/evil/life showcase would affect people, but ALL the art I find here stirs emotions. And, this "stirring" has been uncomfortable at times, but also healing.

1. This peaceful and innocent drawing (below) of pelican's breakfast at Miami beach by a4e4ka. Long story short: I could not BEAR to look at that picture! It disturbed me BIG TIME! Finally, I FORCED myself to look and look at that picture no matter how uncomfortable. Then, it came back - getting robbed on Miami beach, age 19. Well, what happened after that memory came back? Healing, peace, and then smiles! I thank a4e4ka!

2. Tributes to mothers. Those seem "safe" pictures that would bring up feelings of love and safety, right? Well - I find these pictures difficult. Even after lots of professional help, I was surprised to find myself getting a serious case of "heebie jeebies" every time I saw a "mother picture" on TD. Well, that is lessening. I have found joy to discover others who feel blessed to have, or have had, a loving parent.

The point is that ANY drawing can be another person's personal nightmare.

So, should we explore "evil" on a forum? Maybe we already have. I have met people whose "evils" are things like: storms, snakes, frogs, turtles, peas, green beans, butter, water, the out of doors, people wearing red, men with beards, leaving home, driving a car! And ... LOL ... the only one of those I claim is peas. They are not allowed in my house, ever! LOL. It's true. : )

22. 29 Jun 2009 08:32


Luna: Thank you!! I am honored and humbled by your art. That was greatness. I make blatant evil, but you showed the emotional side too. It was genius. Still wish i could do those "real people" looking piks. I'll try harder. As for Qsilv: still waiting for your genious!? Marius: You bring up a good point that evil/dreams/life can mean a lot of different things to many people. Had a chuckle about the "peas" thing, but hey, who am i to judge. This would make an outstanding showcase. It encompasses so many emotions and means so many different things to many people.
call it: (are you listening TD?)
-Whats in a dream?
_Dream escapes
-the art of dreams
_things that give you the willies.
It doesn't matter, between qsilv,marius,luna, me and others it sounds like a good idea for the next showcase. back to try my luck at making "art" today.

23. 29 Jun 2009 15:22


Hey Doug, glad you had a chuckle about the "peas thing." Family and friends laugh and don't judge either, but they do threaten now and then to show up at my door with peas! Oh horrors! : )

And, your idea of "things that give you the willies" feels very workable. I'm seeing all kinds of possibilities! Hmmmmmm.

24. 29 Jun 2009 17:06


Doug, you are welcome. I enjoyed doing it. It's based on Fuseli's painting "The Nightmare". I didn't try for an exact match; just the feeling.
You would probably like these from my website (my day job )

25. 29 Jun 2009 20:03


This whole topic reminds me of "The voyage of the dawn treader" in the Chronicles of Narnia. Has anyone read it? They are on a ship (lots of backstory) but there is an island...they can't escape it, and the most horrifying part is their dreams become reality there...the men on the ship at first say, OH wow I'll see barrels of gold or beautiful women...and then the one they've come to rescue says..."No, your Dreams become reality...not the things you dream about!" paraphrased. What a profound statement.

And yes I agree, fear/dreams/what gives me the willies can be something completely harmless to you. As with all art it's subjective based on your life history.

OH and on a second note...DOUG YOU CREATE ART!!! PLEASE do not think that just because your work doesn't look like the actual thing means it's not art!! Abstract art has it's place too!! BECAUSE it evokes emotion. If you look at an apple, you see an apple. If you look at your abstract pictorial take on the fall of man caused by an apple...that's a much more complicated picture and emotion and therefore a much more complicated picture than a simple apple. I REALLY appreciate realism, I REALLY appreciate abstract. You are a fantastic artist. Do YOUR thing! It's unique and wonderful!

Sorry I'm so chatty, this is a neat topic

26. 29 Jun 2009 20:16


I sooo agree with charityb98 and marius on the nature of emotional perception
----AND with charityb98 to Doug--- you absolutely DO CREATE "ART" !

Luna, you fiend, thanks for that link; I spent way too long in there. ;>

27. 30 Jun 2009 04:13


(smiling)....any time Qsilv.

28. 30 Jun 2009 08:44


thanks for the comments from all of you. i didn't mean to take over this topic, but i seem to be the resident "evil" pik person. Still waiting for Qsilv to give us a comment and a pik.

29. 1 Jul 2009 03:12


Wow, Luna - I spent a lot of time at that link too. Got any more links - but not necessarily "scary" ones? Thanks.

Doug, drew you a "pea demon" and when I hit submit - it vanished. It was really giving me the creeps, so probably best that it went wherever pea demons go! : ) Gave myself 5 points for effort & shivers anyway!

Charity, I didn't think you were too chatty. Recall that book and the part about dreams. It IS a neat topic.

What if showcase theme says, "I dreamed ..." ?

That is wide open, so includes willies, insects, happy families, material world, spiritual world, everything. Would enjoy the variety of such openness!

30. 1 Jul 2009 03:46


Luna - found the other 'links' from your gallery. Fun!

31. 1 Jul 2009 06:48


Thanks marius!
Here's fairies:
And my stuff

32. 1 Jul 2009 08:09


Marius: THATS PERFECT!!! I dreamed... are you listening TD?

33. 1 Jul 2009 19:36


Well, submitted the "I dreamed ..." idea to ThinkDraw's "thread?" Not sure what it's called.

Also ... Luna, LOVE your pictures! Thanks for sharing! Figured you for a "real" artist, meaning one who has training, practice and all the skills & insights that come with a "developed" artist eye. My favorites on your site are the Wise Old Oak, the Dog and Quail and the Gathering, but I really like all of them - love nature drawings more than about any other kind. And, the fairies link! How did you know? Love fairies. Now I need to go through your TD gallery. It's on my list, along with many others. Promise to not leave too many comments so you won't have to read all day. Again - thanks for the links!