Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - lost my picture twice & other things

1. 12 Jun 2009 05:26


Hi to all from marius. I started drawing end of May (I think?) and comments, playbacks and art of all have been so inspiring and helpful! Today I have questions re things about this site and a big thanks to anyone who can shed some light. : )

Two things:
1. Lost two pics recently and had to re-do. Anyone else had this problem? Got solutions? Last pic I had to do three times ... good practice, but frustrating and fear of losing pic on third try kind of robs sense of pleasure. What happens is - I'm working on saved draft and pic pieces freeze and disappear off the screen. Then I can't save draft and after a while have to go to 'end task' on my computer. When I get back on TD, first draft is gone - everything gone. Since this never happens anywhere else on line, I'm thinking it's a TD problem? Also, I am SLOW at drawing so maybe I'm draw too long at one time? Is two hours too long for this format? Seriously! : )

2. Kind of wish there was a "how to navigate this site" button somewhere. (Please don't tell me there is one and I've missed it.) Yes, I've had fun figuring out how things work but imagine my surprise when somewhere around the 8th pic I discovered what the repeat button does! THAT was a relief. : )

3. If numbers 1 and 2 above are already addressed in the forums, how can I find where?

-thanks, from marius

2. 12 Jun 2009 05:37


Hiya Marius!

I don't have answers to your questions, but I'll put in my two cents.

1. Many, many, many people have lost drawings. I think it's something glitchy with the "save draft" feature. The first time I used that feature was with my "Twilight" drawing. I couldn't finish it in one sitting so I saved it. I came back to it, and hit the "load draft" button, and it told me "unable to load draft", and load turned back to save. I thought the drawing was gone forever. Every time I went back to the theme, the load button was back. I tried it 4 or 5 times, and every time it was unable to load. Like I said, I figured it was gone forever, like so many other drawings that the artists here have mentioned losing. But, I tried "load draft" just one more time...and IT CAME BACK!

So, I don't know how exactly this fits in with what happened to you, but my drawing came back after failing to load several times, so there is hope for others who lose drawings.

Also, no, two hours is not too long. I had "Open Me" open, and I was working on it off and on for about 4 hours, so don't think you're too slow, that's not the problem.

2. As far as I know, there is no "how to navigate this site" button, but that is an awesome idea!!

3. I don't know. I'm all out of information at the moment...I need more coffee.

3. 12 Jun 2009 07:08


Thanks for all the info midnightpoet! Had no idea others have lost pics too. Sad, but good to know problem is not mine alone. : )

Don't know what "I had 'Open Me' open ..." means. Is this part of TD site or something else? Don't answer till you've had your coffee. Thanks much!

4. 12 Jun 2009 07:57


As midnight has already said, many of us have lost drawings. My own belief is that there is a maximum number of pieces that you can put into a drawing. After that, trouble starts.

5. 12 Jun 2009 09:06


"Open Me" is one of my drawings, and I had it open working on it off and on for 4 hours. Sorry for the confusion.

6. 12 Jun 2009 09:59


One suggestion I'd like to add, if you Load Draft but don't add anything to it, don't forget to hit Save Draft again. Think Draw doesn't seem to remember that it was saved before and even if you don't add anything you still have to Save it or it will be lost. (Lost a good 2 hour piece of work that way and had no one but myself to blame for it)

7. 12 Jun 2009 10:32


this has been addressed in the other forum. sometimes you can get these back but I think login is right there is association with number of pieces. kmkagel had suggestions that I have ssen posted in the past regarding this problem, I have not tried them and don't know how far back you will need to go to find that thread. I'm pretty sure it is not here in the community forum

8. 12 Jun 2009 19:15


Thanks so much midnightpoet, Login, Dragon and gwinnyb!!!

I do save a LOT since first time I lost picture, so seems logical it could be number of pieces. Guess I'll start erasing instead of copying over! Can't wait to see your picture, "Open Me" midnightpoet.
Meanwhile, happy drawing to all!

9. 13 Jun 2009 17:37


I'm almost embarrassed to admit how many hours I put into some drawings... 4, 5, 6...

And yeah, I've lost my share, and recaptured one by opening it on another computer.

One of the deadliest things is to forget to hit SAVE. No warning is offered.
But spotty internet connection is the ABSOLUTE killer.

Nav and search could be greatly enhanced, but it doesn't appear to be high on TD's priority list. (I've been whining about it for months... *rueful twinkle*)

10. 13 Jun 2009 18:04


Too many pics are going missing for it just to be a coincidence.
It has to be the work of the notorius Hit and Run Bandit.
Works of art are obviously being stolen to order.
Be vigilant.

11. 13 Jun 2009 19:18


Qsilv, I dont' think you should be embarrassed one bit to say you've put 4-6 hours into your fabulous TD creations! I'm really new at this and have been spending near that time on some drawings too! You've helped me realize something: doesn't matter how long it takes!

Oh except, I wondered if TD has some kind of glitch where it "flips out" if you work on a picture past some kind of time limit. I could experiment.

Meanwhile, since the first time I lost a pic, I do continually hit save ... but this has not solved the problem. Once TD freezes up - I've found no way to save again and everything is lost. Boo hoo! (Not the words I used when I lost my pics. No, I said, "Drat it.")

And love your *rueful twinkle*

IAManonymous - you are funny.

12. 13 Jun 2009 20:21


I doubt the "freezing up" is Think Draws issue... At least, I have never seen it freeze...

13. 13 Jun 2009 21:22


If I may, I was drawing in Avatar, saved it, closed out, came back could not load draft. It read something like "Sorry, cannot ...." Anyway I went to gallery, then clicked on Draw, clicked on Load and up it came, every time! Don't understand that, but, after redoing something over and over, this worked. I believe some of this is a TD issue. I have done pictures over more times than you can imagine! It's because I was intent on doing them in the first place! As you said, Good Practice, I don't think so! I've had pictures, disappear just as I was nearing the "submit". I've found the no. of pieces (within reason) wasn't always an issue.

Another thing, someone mentioned back when, try going up to your browser, start typing thi(when finished it's anyway, your history will come up, click on the first one under the browser, once in awhile it'll bring your drawing back! Just try and see. Wish I could help you. Don't be discouraged. We've all been there, done that! Who knows, you come up with an answer to another glitch along the way! Good Luck.

14. 14 Jun 2009 21:34


matthew - thanks for your thoughts. If you read what I wrote at start of this forum, maybe "freezing up" is not apt, but the site quits functioning. My computer nerd brother says it probably IS a TD problem - then explained about servers until my eyes glazed over. Anyway, thanks for your input.

kmkagle, I'm gonna try your ideas. Got "weirdness" again today. Clicked on a piece to put it in the picture and the piece disappearred and the box went empty. That's my sign to hit save ASAP! I'm gonna check the browser stuff tomorrow! And, I have also lost pictures just as I was ready to submit. Not a fun experience for sure. I tell myself it's an opportunity to practice patience. (And, I need lots of practice with that!) Thanks very much for sharing! I appreciate it!

15. 15 Jun 2009 01:22


Marius, that made me think of a refrigerator magnet my friend's mom gave me years ago. It says, "God grant me patience...AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!" LOL

16. 15 Jun 2009 04:43


marius - when all else fails - You might try clearing your browser. going through that might help. I keep trying to think of what might help. You'll note I told you when I was getting ready to submit my picture disappeared!

17. 15 Jun 2009 04:44


P.S. Note: I say "when all else fails". You want to try the other things first.

18. 15 Jun 2009 10:56


This is R-E-A-L-L-Y, weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lost a pictue I was doing in gothic just before I was about to save. Tried all suggestions (funny thing - my browser led me to a picture with a person climbing a mountain) ..., anyway the last suggestion I tried was going to another computer and logging in again. I did this and WEIRD!

TD opened to the draw page for FLOWERS and there was a draft to load. Even thought I was in FLOWERS, anything can happen, so I loaded the picture and to my surprise, there on the screen was a picture someone else has drawn and saved!!!!!

If anyone wants to be on the lookout for this picture (and artist name) - the picture is the vase background turned into a cat face. The hair of cat is green leaves, the ears of the vase-cat are blue petals, the earrings on the ears are dangling pink petals with a yellow flower at the bottom. Eyes of Ms. Cat-Vase are orange petals with red smaller petals for pupil part. There are even whiskers.

Yes, I saved that drawing, closed down that computer and I'm scratching my head. And yes, Robindcr8l, I want patience right now! I will email TD and ask them to read all this.

Hope none of you lose pictures today. It was a gothic door and I was so liking it. Oh well. Can always use more practice ... so off I go.

And, thanks Kmkagle for all your ideas, just sorry none of them worked today. Rats!

19. 15 Jun 2009 16:24


Okay, re-thinking this losing of pictures. It IS possible that vase-cat is an old one I saved when I first started on TD. Hmmm. Don't remember it, but it's goofy enough to be mine.

Brings up another question. Can we save more than one draft at a time? One in flowers, one in fruit .... etc." Maybe if I had this vase-cat saved all this time that is part of my problem with losing pictures??? Okay - I love a mystery. Will delete the cat, which is still there, and let you all know.

20. 15 Jun 2009 19:31


marius, you can save a draft in each pallet without it causing problems. Probably was your cat