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Luna, you are so kind. Yes, I'll blame my cat. but not sure that will be satisfying cause pretty sure now that I drew and saved the cat-vase picture.

However, I CAN blame the cat for making my picture disappear, and gee - he probably made everyone else's pictures diappear too! Afterall, he is Puck - the mischief maker! : )


marius, you can save a draft in each pallet without it causing problems. Probably was your cat


Okay, re-thinking this losing of pictures. It IS possible that vase-cat is an old one I saved when I first started on TD. Hmmm. Don't remember it, but it's goofy enough to be mine.

Brings up another question. Can we save more than one draft at a time? One in flowers, one in fruit .... etc." Maybe if I had this vase-cat saved all this time that is part of my problem with losing pictures??? Okay - I love a mystery. Will delete the cat, which is still there, and let you all know.


This is R-E-A-L-L-Y, weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lost a pictue I was doing in gothic just before I was about to save. Tried all suggestions (funny thing - my browser led me to a picture with a person climbing a mountain) ..., anyway the last suggestion I tried was going to another computer and logging in again. I did this and WEIRD!

TD opened to the draw page for FLOWERS and there was a draft to load. Even thought I was in FLOWERS, anything can happen, so I loaded the picture and to my surprise, there on the screen was a picture someone else has drawn and saved!!!!!

If anyone wants to be on the lookout for this picture (and artist name) - the picture is the vase background turned into a cat face. The hair of cat is green leaves, the ears of the vase-cat are blue petals, the earrings on the ears are dangling pink petals with a yellow flower at the bottom. Eyes of Ms. Cat-Vase are orange petals with red smaller petals for pupil part. There are even whiskers.

Yes, I saved that drawing, closed down that computer and I'm scratching my head. And yes, Robindcr8l, I want patience right now! I will email TD and ask them to read all this.

Hope none of you lose pictures today. It was a gothic door and I was so liking it. Oh well. Can always use more practice ... so off I go.

And, thanks Kmkagle for all your ideas, just sorry none of them worked today. Rats!


P.S. Note: I say "when all else fails". You want to try the other things first.