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Forums - Community - Outstanding fellow TDers

1. 6 Jun 2009 06:13


Today is Saturday and I found myself with time to go over some personal galleries. I would like to point out an artist. I knew she was excellent but I found out much more.
PRODUCTION: almost one a day.
Most of us could be good in one, two or three aspects but I discovered she is excellent in so many things. You name it:
portraits, black and white pencil drawing, angel-like people and devil-like people,depiction of animals( elephant, butterfly, turtle, dragon etc). She can give the likeness of people like recognizable George Washington or Jack Nicholson which is so difficult. She paints cartoon-like characters and she has quality either at painting faces or the whole body. One of her portraits (John Wayne) is semi-photographic. She draws objects like romantic gondolas or horrifying war aircraft or cemeteries with the same skill . When it comes to painting skies or the sea...she does it with she does with landscapes. She even penetrates the field of humor and wit (for example her picture EYE but of a needle). She can imitate like Matthew's eye. Her palette uses a wide variety of colors.
Last but not least, she's very balanced when she chooses the different mediums. She has excellent pics in flowers, fruit, faces, gothic,candy and animals.
There could be more to say.I'm no expert to analize paintings. I'm only a lay TDer. Oh.. She's ARW65.
Thanks brothers and sisters!

2. 6 Jun 2009 06:43



thank you so much for voicing what many of us believe. Arw IS brilliant - to me, she hovers right behind (and often brushes aside) some of the acknowledged 'real' artists on TD like [currently] Luna and Qsilv. Her mom's really good as well, so no wondering where some of that talent came from !

3. 6 Jun 2009 07:14


Marg, who is her mother?
And by the way, I'm speaking about DISCOVERING GOOD THINGS among us not only the excellent creators.... the POSITIVE THINGS people have and are there for us to pick them up and show them to the rest... be a community of brothers and sisters...

4. 6 Jun 2009 07:25


Her mom is pebbles...

5. 6 Jun 2009 07:42


hey, polenta.. you knew that.. check this pic..

6. 6 Jun 2009 07:45


whoops, sorry.. that was under Ash's second user (but no guessing who it was !)

7. 6 Jun 2009 08:50


Wow, Thanks guys! you are so sweet, thanks.

8. 6 Jun 2009 10:04


polenta: This is such a good idea. I know i've found myself getting the "anger bug" over the recent events. What a wonderful idea. I'll have to think about it and get back to ya'. I work nights and I have to sleep sometime today. Bye.

9. 6 Jun 2009 10:50


thank you for this thread polenta. I think you would be my pic here. there are very accomplished artists on the site: Luna, Qsilv, Marg, inked_gemini and others. who inspire and teach with their wealth of talent. I appreciate them and I guess I always expect to be amazed and inspired by their work. your work is simply laid out yet artistically complex and intricate indeed. in additon for me there is whimsey, depth of insight, and a way of looking at life that is novel and revealing of an inner feeling that I can't describe but I find appealing and illuminating. I love that this subtlety is instructive as well to those who are observant students of life. I learn where I may and think it makes me a better human being. You teach and share, I like that very much. thank you

10. 6 Jun 2009 14:48


I agree whole-heartedly with gwinnyb. And may I add that you are also very innovative. You're not only a great artist, but you are able to use the tools that this site gives you in brilliant ways such as in your picture "chick hatching." And you also do stunning work on a wide spectrum both artistically and emotionally. Some of your work makes me smile--the Egyptian seal for example. But when I look at pictures like the snowy corner or the girl thinking of what to draw, I just stare in awe at how beautiful they are.

Also, polenta teaches me in a way that no other TD'er does. She not only teaches me technique with her pictures, but also Spanish! And I've actually applied it to my everyday life, lol.

So thank you polenta. You are truly an outstanding Think Draw artist and person.

11. 6 Jun 2009 17:16


Oh my God!!! I'm blushing. My face is burning. My purpose was to try to find THE BEST in one another. What I DO like is that there was already response to this proposal.
There could be people who draw in a child-like way but who cooperate with the community. There could be people who ................... etc,etc,etc.
Each positive thing about a fellow TDer that we say is one more minute of joy for us.

12. 6 Jun 2009 18:37


Ok there are many I admire.. Mekeys for example is the faithful, persitant contributer. I can't believe how prolific and dedicated he is. also humble and unassuming. his joy is in the creation and it shows. his work is joyful and profuse, fun to see (and play many times). the man is simply amazing . never an unkind word.. always admiring and encouraging as he goes his merry journey, dropping beautiful and colorful reminders of his passing. you name me a single td member and I can tell you something that I love about them, personality, art, imagination, persistance, uniqueness, quirkiness, humor, etc, etc. I look for the best in people.. always have. and I have discovered that you mostly find whatever it is you seek in others and in life generally. In brief I love each of you and your creations because they represent some of the best you are..still I appreciate you as well polenta (peacemaker and lady) and now you know why, so je suis content.

13. 6 Jun 2009 19:45


I'd like to make a mention of LadyO. Everytime I look in her I find myself with a big smile on my face. She has a clever sense of humour and her pictures capture a sense of fun. She can convey so much with only a little and I admire that. I've also never observed her to say a bad word about anyone and she always says nice things to people.

14. 6 Jun 2009 19:47


That was meant to say 'everytime I look in her gallery'

15. 20 Jun 2009 04:55


Another Saturday morning with enough time in my hands to see some TD artists galleries. I chose these two from Autumn's gallery. Aren't they interesting? I like the titles in coordination with the pics.

16. 20 Jun 2009 06:22


Thank you for the reference, Polenta. Some pictures are very interesting. Autumn has her own special vision, that's priceless!