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Thank you for the reference, Polenta. Some pictures are very interesting. Autumn has her own special vision, that's priceless!


Another Saturday morning with enough time in my hands to see some TD artists galleries. I chose these two from Autumn's gallery. Aren't they interesting? I like the titles in coordination with the pics.


That was meant to say 'everytime I look in her gallery'


I'd like to make a mention of LadyO. Everytime I look in her I find myself with a big smile on my face. She has a clever sense of humour and her pictures capture a sense of fun. She can convey so much with only a little and I admire that. I've also never observed her to say a bad word about anyone and she always says nice things to people.


Ok there are many I admire.. Mekeys for example is the faithful, persitant contributer. I can't believe how prolific and dedicated he is. also humble and unassuming. his joy is in the creation and it shows. his work is joyful and profuse, fun to see (and play many times). the man is simply amazing . never an unkind word.. always admiring and encouraging as he goes his merry journey, dropping beautiful and colorful reminders of his passing. you name me a single td member and I can tell you something that I love about them, personality, art, imagination, persistance, uniqueness, quirkiness, humor, etc, etc. I look for the best in people.. always have. and I have discovered that you mostly find whatever it is you seek in others and in life generally. In brief I love each of you and your creations because they represent some of the best you are..still I appreciate you as well polenta (peacemaker and lady) and now you know why, so je suis content.